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metropolis thermometer barometer..........

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Some derivatives of the Greek word "metron" include "metric," "metre," "meter," and "metronome."

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Q: What are some derivatives of the greek word metron?
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What comes from the greek word metron?

Metron means Sphere of influence and measure of rule

2 greek word trigonometry?

The word trigonometry originates from the two Greek words 'trigon' and 'metron'. While 'trigon' has the meaning of triangle, 'metron' means to measure. The literal translation of the word trigonometry is to measure triangles.

What does the greek word metron mean?

The Greek word "metron" means measure or proportion, and is often used to refer to a standard of measurement. It represents the concept of moderation and balance in Greek philosophy and is the root of words like "metric" and "metabolism."

Is meter a Greek or Latin root?

"Meter" is a Greek root. It comes from the Greek word "metron," which means measure.

What are the 2 greek word of trigonometry?

tria = three gonia = angle metron = measurement

What does metron mean in English?

"Metron" is a Greek word meaning "measure" or "meter." In English, it is often used in words related to measurement or rhythm, such as "metronome" or "metronomic."

What is the latin root word for metron?

Metron is actually a Greek root (μέτρον) meaning "measure, size, distance." For example, a metronome regulates a measure of time (μέτρον + νόμος (nomos, "law")).

Which Greek root means a measure of distance traveled?

Hodos ("path") and metron ("measure") are Greek roots that form the word odometer, which means "a measure of distance traveled."

What comes from the greek word metron meaning measure?

θερμός/thermos: warm +μέτρον/metron: meter, measure =θερμόμετρο/thermometron = thermometer("warmth-measure")Also: thermos, thermal, thermostat, thermonuclear, thermodetonator, hypothermia, thermodynamics, etc.

Where does the word stoichiometry come from?

The word stoichiometry comes from the Greek words "stoicheion," meaning element, and "metron," meaning measure. It refers to the quantitative relationship between the reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

Who named the SI unit of length?

The word metre comes from the greek word metron, which means "measure"; it was introduced to the SI system by Tito Burattini in 1675.

What is the word origin of the word meter?

Metre is the British spelling of meter. A meter is equal to 39.37 (American) inches equaling 3 feet. It is part of the metric system. It originated from the French in the late 1700's It originates from Greek "metron" meaning to measure. The word "meter" is from Latin also meaning to measure.