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Voire dire are questions that lawyers ask potential jurors to see if they be good for their case. Good questions would be to see if they have any biases or if they know anyone involved. Specific questions would depend on the case.

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5mo ago

Good voir dire questions should focus on uncovering biases, attitudes, and experiences that potential jurors may have that could impact their ability to be impartial. Questions should be open-ended, specific, and designed to elicit honest responses from jurors. Examples include, "Have you ever been a victim of a crime?" or "Do you have any beliefs that would prevent you from being fair and impartial in this case?"

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Voir dire is a preliminary examination of a witness by the judge in which he is required to speak the truth with respect to the questions put to him; if he appears incompetent,e.g on the ground that he is not of sound mind,he is rejected.

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Franklin and Bash - 2011 Voir Dire 2-6 was released on: USA: 10 July 2012 Finland: 21 December 2012

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A petit jury, which is the regular jury that listens to testimony and renders a verdict in a trial, is subjected to voir dire. This process involves questioning potential jurors to ensure impartiality and suitability to serve on the jury.

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Only Texas allows juries in custody cases, but jury questions are not allowed in advance. You get the next batch of available jurors on the list.

What Is the legal term for the process of selecting a jury?

Voir dire, from the French to "speak the truth."

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The French expression is: "Ne rien entendre, ne rien voir, ne rien dire".

In voir dire can the attorney ask a juror if they have been arrested before?

Yes, that and much more.

What has the author P J Flaming written?

P. J. Flaming has written: 'Voir dire'

What has the author Frank H Freedman written?

Frank H. Freedman has written: 'From voir dire to verdict'

Is voir dire a process for presenting evidence in a case?

No, voir dire is a process by which the lawyers and parties in a trial question potential jurors or proposed expert witnesses in order to determine if they are qualified to serve as jurors or testify as experts respectively. As to jurors, common questions are as to whether they know any of the parties or witnesses, whether they have formed any opinions of the case already and other such questions to ensure that the potential juror is able to make a fair and unbiased judgment of the facts. As to expert witnesses, the questions are designed to discover the education and experience of the expert witness to ensure that he/she is qualified to render expert opinion testimony on the subject matter in question.