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Ozella Dooley

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3y ago
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9mo ago

The root word of democracy is Greek: "demos," meaning "the people," and "kratos," meaning "rule" or "power."

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What can the root of the word democracy be traced to?

Democracy comes from two Greek words demos which means "people" and cratein which means "to rule"

What is the Greek root word for people?

The Greek root word for people is "anthropo-" which is derived from the Greek word "anthropos" meaning human or person.

Words with the Greek root crac?

One example is the word "democracy," which comes from the Greek roots "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "power." Another example is the word "aristocracy," which is derived from "aristos," meaning "best," and "kratos," referring to "power" or "rule."

The Greek root demo means people. Which word most likely comes from this root?

Some examples include democracy and demographic.

What does the root word cracy mean?

I don't think it is a full word itself, but it is the suffix in many forms of government, like autocracy, or democracy.

Does the word democracy have a latin origin?

Well, would go to the Greek root, with the word demos, which means people, and arche, which means rule. Thus, rule by the people.

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Fugitive has no root word it is the root word.

What is the root word of river?

There is no root word of river. It itself is a root word.

What are some words with the root verb in them?

Alter (which can be alter ego, alternate, etc.) Aqua (which can be aquatic, aquarium, aqueduct) Bio- (which can be biography, autobiography, antibiotic, biolog.y) Demo (which can be democracy, epidemic, demography) A root word is just a word that has prefixes added to it to make another word, such as the examples that I listed.

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the root word is'confirminglyishness'

What is syllabication for t he word democracy?
