achlamydeous. advantageous. alliaceous. amentaceous. aqueous. arenaceous. beauteous. bounteous. bulbaceous. calcareous. carbonaceous. cetaceous. chartaceous. coetaneous. contemporaneous. courageous. courteous. crustaceous. curvaceous. cutaneous. disadvantageous. discourteous. drupaceous. duteous. erroneous. extemporaneous. extraneous. farinaceous. foliaceous. gaseous. gorgeous. herbaceous. heterogeneous. hideous. homogeneous. igneous. instantaneous. intracutaneous. ligneous. miscellaneous. momentaneous. mucocutaneous. nacreous. nauseous. osseous. outrageous. percutaneous. piteous. plenteous. predaceous. proteinaceous. pyroligneous. rampageous. righteous. rosaceous. sanguineous. saponaceous. sebaceous. simultaneous. spontaneous. subcutaneous. subterraneous. testaceous. transcutaneous. umbrageous. unrighteous. uveous. vinaceous. vitreous. The suffix -eous means the same as -ous and -ious: like, full of, or relating to.
Some examples:
igneous, courageous, erroneous, gaseous, aqueous, gorgeous, righteous, hideous, instantaneous, simultaneous, spontaneous, miscellaneous, courteous, nauseous, advantageous, outrageous
4-letter words
nous, sous
5-letter words
meous, pious, thous
6-letter words
aurous, awmous, bayous, bijous, cerous, comous, cymous, famous, fucous, iodous, joyous, lupous, miaous, mucous, nodous, odious, osmous, parous, pilous, porous, poyous, ramous, rimous, rufous, rugous, sajous, serous, setous, torous, uveous, venous, vinous
7-letter words
acajous, acerous, acetous, acinous, adipous, aeneous, agamous, amadous, amorous, anurous, anxious, apodous, aqueous, arduous, arenous, azygous, bilious, boubous, brumous, bulbous, bullous, burnous, cachous, callous, carious, caseous, chylous, chymous, cirrous, citrous, coccous, congous, copious, cormous, coypous, cuprous, curious, devious, dubious, duteous, emulous, envious, estrous, fatuous, ferrous, fibrous, folious, fulvous, fungous, furious, fuscous, gallous, gaseous, gibbous, globous, grumous, gummous, heinous, hideous, hugeous, hydrous, igneous, impious, jealous, leprous, luteous, nervous, nimious, niobous, nitrous, niveous, nocuous, noxious, obvious, ochrous, odorous, ominous, onerous, osmious, osseous, ozonous, pappous, parlous, petrous, piceous, pileous, piteous, pompous, pulpous, raucous, riotous, rubious, ruinous, sanious, sarcous, serious, simious, sinuous, spinous, spumous, talcous, tedious, tenuous, timeous, typhous, uranous, urinous, vacuous, various, vicious, villous, viscous, zealous, zincous
8-letter words
acarpous, acaulous, aduncous, anginous, angulous, anserous, aphthous, apterous, araceous, arborous, arsenous, arsonous, astomous, bibulous, bigamous, bijugous, bimanous, biparous, biramous, butyrous, caducous, canorous, captious, caribous, cautious, cernuous, chlorous, chromous, citreous, corneous, covetous, crankous, cribrous, croupous, cumbrous, cumulous, cupreous, decorous, desirous, dextrous, didymous, diecious, digamous, dimerous, dioicous, dizygous, dolorous, edacious, elytrous, enginous, enormous, epigeous, eurokous, exiguous, eximious, fabulous, factious, fashious, fastuous, ferreous, feverous, flexuous, frabjous, generous, glabrous, glaucous, glorious, goitrous, gorgeous, gracious, grievous, griseous, gypseous, hamulous, humorous, ichorous, idoneous, imporous, infamous, lacteous, laminous, libelous, ligneous, luminous, luscious, lustrous, manitous, marabous, melanous, mucinous, muticous, mutinous, nacreous, nauseous, nebulous, nodulous, nubilous, numerous, numinous, ocherous, ochreous, oestrous, oogamous, orgulous, patulous, perilous, pervious, petalous, plumbous, pluvious, poaceous, polypous, populous, precious, previous, pyritous, racemous, ramulous, ravenous, resinous, rigorous, rosinous, ructious, sabulous, sapajous, saporous, savorous, scabious, scabrous, scarious, sclerous, sedulous, selenous, sensuous, sepalous, setulous, sombrous, sonorous, spacious, specious, spermous, spurious, squamous, stannous, stratous, strumous, studious, suberous, thallous, timorous, tinamous, titanous, tortious, tortuous, trappous, tuberous, tubulous, tumorous, tumulous, turacous, ulcerous, unctuous, unfamous, usurious, uxorious, valorous, vanadous, vaporous, venomous, venulous, vigorous, viperous, virtuous, vitreous, vomitous, wamefous, wondrous, xanthous
9-letter words
acidulous, aluminous, ambiguous, ambitious, amorphous, analogous, anestrous, anhydrous, anomalous, anonymous, apetalous, apogamous, arboreous, arsenious, assiduous, atrocious, audacious, barbarous, beauteous, biogenous, bodacious, bonhomous, bounteous, bumptious, calculous, cancerous, cankerous, capacious, carcajous, cavernous, cetaceous, chancrous, chitinous, cinereous, clamorous, cobaltous, congruous, conscious, coumarous, courteous, crapulous, credulous, cretinous, criminous, cutaneous, dangerous, deciduous, delicious, delirious, dentulous, dexterous, diclinous, diestrous, dioecious, dipterous, edematous, egregious, epigonous, epigynous, eponymous, erogenous, erroneous, exogamous, exogenous, facetious, felonious, ferocious, fistulous, fractious, frivolous, froufrous, fructuous, fugacious, fulgurous, garrulous, glamorous, glutenous, glutinous, gummatous, hazardous, hilarious, humongous, humungous, hypogeous, imperious, impetuous, incurious, ingenious, ingenuous, injurious, innocuous, insidious, invidious, isogamous, judicious, kabeljous, kinkajous, laborious, larcenous, lecherous, libellous, lichenous, litigious, longevous, lubricous, ludicrous, luxurious, malarious, malicious, manganous, marvelous, meandrous, melodious, mercurous, micaceous, momentous, monecious, monstrous, murderous, murmurous, myomatous, nectarous, nefarious, nonporous, notorious, oblivious, obnoxious, officious, oviparous, palladous, pendulous, penurious, plenteous, poisonous, pomaceous, ponderous, pumiceous, querulous, rancorous, rapacious, rapturous, religious, righteous, rivalrous, rosaceous, sagacious, salacious, saphenous, scirrhous, sebaceous, seditious, sericeous, setaceous, siliceous, silicious, slumbrous, sorcerous, sphagnous, spiritous, strenuous, stuporous, sulfurous, sumptuous, susurrous, tenacious, tendinous, tenebrous, torturous, tremulous, trimerous, troublous, tufaceous, tyrannous, unanimous, uncurious, unenvious, unserious, untimeous, vagarious, venturous, veracious, verdurous, verminous, vexatious, vicarious, vinaceous, vivacious, voracious, vulturous
10-letter words
abstemious, acephalous, adulterous, alacritous, albuminous, alliaceous, allogamous, amphibious, anadromous, anasarcous, anatropous, antonymous, aposporous, aquiferous, arenaceous, armigerous, auriferous, auspicious, autoecious, autogamous, autogenous, autologous, autonomous, autotomous, avaricious, battailous, bituminous, blusterous, boisterous, cadaverous, calamitous, calcareous, caliginous, calumnious, cancellous, capricious, censorious, ceruminous, chivalrous, circuitous, clangorous, coetaneous, commodious, coniferous, contagious, contiguous, continuous, coriaceous, courageous, curvaceous, curvacious, decapodous, despiteous, diadromous, diaphanous, dimorphous, disastrous, dispiteous, distichous, drupaceous, eczematous, edentulous, endogamous, endogenous, epiphanous, ericaceous, euphonious, extraneous, factitious, fallacious, fastidious, felicitous, fictitious, flagitious, foliaceous, foraminous, fortuitous, fuliginous, gangrenous, gelatinous, glamourous, gluttonous, gramineous, gratuitous, gregarious, gynandrous, halogenous, harmonious, hellacious, hemizygous, herbaceous, homogamous, homogenous, homologous, homonymous, homozygous, horrendous, hypogynous, idolatrous, impervious, incautious, incestuous, indecorous, indigenous, infectious, inglorious, iniquitous, innumerous, keratinous, languorous, lanuginous, lascivious, leguminous, libidinous, licentious, lipomatous, loquacious, lubricious, luciferous, lugubrious, malodorous, marvellous, membranous, mendacious, meticulous, migrainous, miraculous, monestrous, monoecious, monogamous, monogynous, monotonous, mysterious, myxomatous, nidicolous, nidifugous, nonaqueous, nonferrous, nongaseous, nonobvious, nonserious, nonviscous, nutritious, obsequious, oleaginous, olivaceous, omnivorous, outrageous, paronymous, pediculous, pellagrous, perfidious, perigynous, perjurious, pernicious, plunderous, polygamous, polygynous, polysemous, portentous, posthumous, precarious, precocious, predaceous, predacious, prodigious, propitious, prosperous, pugnacious, rampageous, rebellious, rendezvous, ridiculous, robustious, roisterous, salubrious, saxicolous, scandalous, scrofulous, scrupulous, scurrilous, sequacious, serotinous, sinistrous, slanderous, slumberous, solicitous, spirituous, splendrous, stertorous, stridulous, struthious, stupendous, subaqueous, sulphurous, suspicious, syncarpous, synonymous, tendrilous, tenebrious, testaceous, theonomous, thunderous, traitorous, treasonous, tremendous, trichinous, tuffaceous, tumultuous, ubiquitous, umbrageous, ungenerous, ungracious, unhumorous, uproarious, victorious, villainous, violaceous, viraginous, viviparous, vociferous, voluminous, voluptuous, zoophilous
11-letter words
abstentious, acrimonious, adenomatous, adventurous, anachronous, androgynous, anfractuous, angiomatous, anisogamous, arenicolous, atrabilious, blasphemous, burglarious, cacophonous, calcicolous, calciferous, calcifugous, callipygous, carnivorous, catadromous, cataractous, ceremonious, champertous, collagenous, compendious, congenerous, conspicuous, contentious, contrarious, coterminous, cruciferous, crustaceous, cupriferous, declivitous, deleterious, diadelphous, dichogamous, dichotomous, dissentious, duplicitous, efficacious, expeditious, fantabulous, farinaceous, farraginous, ferriferous, ferruginous, fibromatous, filamentous, fissiparous, flirtatious, floriferous, frugivorous, granivorous, gypsiferous, hemipterous, herbivorous, homogeneous, homophonous, homopterous, homosporous, hydrogenous, ignominious, illustrious, impecunious, incongruous, incredulous, industrious, injudicious, intravenous, irreligious, isochronous, isomorphous, lactiferous, lepromatous, ligamentous, magnanimous, mellifluous, meritorious, microporous, mischievous, monophagous, mountainous, multiparous, mycophagous, myelogenous, myelomatous, necessitous, nitrogenous, nonluminous, nonsensuous, nonvenomous, nulliparous, odoriferous, omnifarious, opprobrious, overanxious, overobvious, overserious, overzealous, pentamerous, perspicuous, pestiferous, phosphorous, piscivorous, polyandrous, polyestrous, polyonymous, polyphagous, polyphonous, precipitous, prestigious, pretentious, primiparous, prognathous, promiscuous, punctilious, repetitious, rhizomatous, rumbustious, sanguineous, saponaceous, sarcomatous, scoriaceous, scrumptious, sententious, serpiginous, solanaceous, somniferous, splendorous, spontaneous, sporogenous, sulphureous, superfluous, sympetalous, symphonious, synchronous, tautologous, temerarious, tempestuous, tendencious, tendentious, terraqueous, terricolous, terrigenous, tetramerous, treacherous, triquetrous, tuberculous, unambiguous, unambitious, unconscious, unfrivolous, unglamorous, unmalicious, unmelodious, unrighteous, vertiginous, xerophilous, xylophagous
12-letter words
adscititious, advantageous, adventitious, altitudinous, ambidextrous, amentiferous, anemophilous, anthophilous, argillaceous, ascomycetous, asynchronous, atheromatous, cantankerous, carbonaceous, cementitious, circumfluous, coleopterous, collembolous, complicitous, compunctious, contemptuous, conterminous, contumacious, contumelious, coprophagous, coprophilous, cryptogamous, diatomaceous, discourteous, disingenuous, disputatious, erythematous, eurythermous, gallinaceous, gametogenous, gamopetalous, hebetudinous, heliolatrous, hematogenous, heteroecious, heterogamous, heterogenous, heterologous, heteronomous, heterozygous, hygrophilous, impetiginous, inauspicious, incommodious, infelicitous, inharmonious, insalubrious, luminiferous, lymphomatous, macropterous, meretricious, mesophyllous, microsporous, microvillous, monadelphous, mucilaginous, multifarious, mycetomatous, myxedematous, necrophagous, neuropterous, nonambiguous, noncancerous, nonconscious, nonfrivolous, nonglamorous, nonhazardous, nonpoisonous, nonreligious, nonunanimous, obstreperous, oleoresinous, oligophagous, orchidaceous, orthotropous, ostentatious, overcautious, overgenerous, parsimonious, pectinaceous, percutaneous, peritrichous, pertinacious, phytophagous, polymorphous, polypetalous, polystichous, porcelaneous, precancerous, preconscious, preposterous, presumptuous, pseudonymous, quadrumanous, rambunctious, sacrilegious, salutiferous, saprophagous, schizogonous, seleniferous, semilustrous, seminiferous, semiprecious, simultaneous, slaughterous, soporiferous, steatopygous, subconscious, subcutaneous, succedaneous, sudoriferous, supercilious, suppositious, titaniferous, transpicuous, trichotomous, ultraserious, uncensorious, unchivalrous, uncourageous, unfastidious, unpropitious, unprosperous, unscrupulous, unsuspicious, vainglorious, viruliferous
13-letter words
angiospermous, antireligious, argentiferous, arteriovenous, autocephalous, autochthonous, bibliolatrous, brachypterous, camphoraceous, carboniferous, carcinomatous, cartilaginous, cavernicolous, cleistogamous, condylomatous, conscientious, consentaneous, diathermanous, discontinuous, disharmonious, emphysematous, enterocoelous, entomophagous, entomophilous, exanthematous, fossiliferous, garnetiferous, graminivorous, granulomatous, gymnospermous, hematophagous, heterocystous, heterogeneous, heteropterous, heterosporous, hymenopterous, hypercautious, inconspicuous, inefficacious, inhomogeneous, insectivorous, instantaneous, lepidopterous, medicamentous, metalliferous, microphyllous, miscellaneous, mucocutaneous, multitudinous, mycetophagous, nickeliferous, nonautonomous, noncontagious, noncontiguous, noncontinuous, nongregarious, nonhomologous, nonindigenous, noninfectious, nonleguminous, nonmonogamous, nonnutritious, overambitious, overconscious, overcredulous, overingenious, ovoviviparous, papillomatous, perspicacious, phycomycetous, platitudinous, plenitudinous, polychotomous, porcellaneous, prolegomenous, proteinaceous, pusillanimous, rectitudinous, sanctimonious, semiconscious, semireligious, serendipitous, splendiferous, stercoraceous, stoloniferous, subbituminous, subcoriaceous, subreptitious, subterraneous, supercautious, superstitious, surreptitious, tetradynamous, thermophilous, ultracautious, umbelliferous, unadventurous, unceremonious, uncontentious, unpretentious, zygodactylous
14-letter words
actinomycetous, campylotropous, chlorophyllous, consanguineous, contradictious, diamondiferous, dicotyledonous, extemporaneous, geosynchronous, hemimetabolous, heterophyllous, holometabolous, hyperconscious, ichthyophagous, interreligious, intracutaneous, multireligious, myrmecophilous, nonfilamentous, nonhomogeneous, nonnitrogenous, nonsynchronous, overfastidious, overscrupulous, oversolicitous, oversuspicious, pachydermatous, papilionaceous, parenchymatous, pseudomorphous, semiautonomous, socioreligious, superambitious, superluxurious, supposititious, transcutaneous, ultraglamorous, ultrahazardous, unostentatious
15-letter words
anthropophagous, antituberculous, basidiomycetous, collenchymatous, contemporaneous, deuteranomalous, disadvantageous, echinodermatous, enantiomorphous, epitheliomatous, excrementitious, hyperfastidious, nonsimultaneous, pulchritudinous, ultrafastidious, unfossiliferous, vicissitudinous
16-letter words
monocotyledonous, sclerenchymatous
17-letter words
organophosphorous, overconscientious
18-letter words
adenocarcinomatous, microlepidopterous, verisimilitudinous
20-letter words
1,199 words
Adjectival suffixes are affixes that are added to the end of a word to create an adjective. Examples include "-able," "-ful," "-ic," and "-ous."
Common suffixes for material include -al, -ic, -ous, and -ine. These suffixes are added to the end of a root word to indicate the type or quality of material being referenced.
Famous is a suffix for the word fame.
The suffixes for "fame" are "-ous" and "-ousness," which can be added to form words like "famous" and "famousness."
Some examples of suffixes that can be added to the word "wisdom" include: -ous (wisdomous), -ful (wisdomful), -ness (wisdomness), and -ly (wisdomly).
Adjectival suffixes are affixes that are added to the end of a word to create an adjective. Examples include "-able," "-ful," "-ic," and "-ous."
Common suffixes for material include -al, -ic, -ous, and -ine. These suffixes are added to the end of a root word to indicate the type or quality of material being referenced.
Words don't being with suffixes - by definition a suffix is at the end of a word. Ouster, superfluous.
Famous is a suffix for the word fame.
The suffixes for "fame" are "-ous" and "-ousness," which can be added to form words like "famous" and "famousness."
The word glorious doesn't have a prefix. Prefixes are letters added tp the beginning of a word. It does have a suffix, -ous. Suffixes are letters added to the end of a word.suffix is -ful meaning full of.
Some examples of suffixes that can be added to the word "wisdom" include: -ous (wisdomous), -ful (wisdomful), -ness (wisdomness), and -ly (wisdomly).
Some examples of adjective-forming suffixes include "-ful," "-ous," "-ic," "-al," "-y," "-able," and "-ive." These suffixes are added to the end of the base word to change its meaning or describe a characteristic of the noun.
There is no root "ously." It is a pair of suffixes: the Latin-derived adjectival suffix -ous; and the Germanic adverbial suffix -ly.
Yes, "dangerous" is a word with a suffix. The suffix is "-ous," which is added to the root word "danger" to form the adjective "dangerous."