It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun or when it precedes a person's name or when it is used as a direct address.
Assessor Ferdie Have you finished the financial statement, Assessor?
The word moon should be capitalised when referring to it by name. It then becomes a proper noun and should be capitalised. It should not be capitalised when referring to an object that orbits a planet. Humans went to the Moon in 1969. Jupiter has a moon called Ganymede. The Earth has a moon, we call it The Moon.
Yes, in English, the word "bishop" should be capitalized when it is part of a title or when used as a proper noun (e.g., Bishop John Smith).
The word "antiquity" is not typically capitalized, unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.
Yes, "Indigenous Australian" should be capitalized as it refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. This shows respect and acknowledges the cultural significance of their identity.
Yes, "Nativity" should be capitalized when referring to the birth of Jesus Christ in Christian belief.
The word moon should be capitalised when referring to it by name. It then becomes a proper noun and should be capitalised. It should not be capitalised when referring to an object that orbits a planet. Humans went to the Moon in 1969. Jupiter has a moon called Ganymede. The Earth has a moon, we call it The Moon.
No, the word autism is not capitalised in a sentence. It should only be capitalised at the beginning of sentences and when it forms part of a title. (e.g. the title of a research paper).
The word Cheryl is a proper noun. All proper nouns should be capitalised.
The word Martha is a proper noun. All proper nouns should be capitalised.
The word Washington is a proper noun. Proper nouns should always be capitalised.
The word Japan is a proper noun. All proper nouns should be capitalised.
You should check the tax assessor's records.You should check the tax assessor's records.You should check the tax assessor's records.You should check the tax assessor's records.
Algebra should only be capitalised if it begins a sentence. Otherwise, it is written as algebra!
Yes All proper nouns should be capitalised
The word Mexican is a proper noun. All proper nouns should be capitalised.
The word Chris is a proper noun. All proper nouns should be capitalised.
The word Perkins is a proper noun. Proper nouns should always be capitalised.