It is capitalized when it forms part of the proper noun.
Example: The Democrat is a weekly newspaper in Tate County.
Lowercase republican refers to a system of political thought; uppercase Republican refers to the Republican Party.----------> Edit/addition: Political Parties: Capitalize the name of a political party and the word "party." Use lower case for a general political philosophy. ex.: Democrat, Republican, German Social Democratic Party. Fred's parents were staunch Republicans; at their urging he joined the Party. (, because it is a propernoun.
It is capitalized when it forms part of the proper noun. Example: The Democrat is a weekly newspaper in Tate County.
Only capitalize "Democrat" when it refers to a specific political party or organization. In a general sentence referring to someone who supports democratic ideals, "democrat" should not be capitalized.
Yes, "Local Park" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun.
Yes, "Football" should be capitalized when referring to the sport in general.
No, because it is n ot a proper n ou n. It is a form of gover nme nt. But if it is used to refer to the Republica n Party the n it is capitalized.
he should be democrat.
He is a Democrat. He's never voted Republican.
Being a judge, he should be impartial. Knowing him to be a Democrat or Republican indicates partiality, or bias.
Is Harris Faulkner republican or democrat
Is he democrat
William H. Taft was a Republican.