What are the quiz answers to HorseIsle 2?
Ethel Barryjam - 1K Shakspere Quiz (yeah, major rip off)
Q- Which character said: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a
A- Richard III
Q- Which classic science fiction movie is actually a remake of
Shakespeare's play, "The Tempest"?
A- Forbidden Planet
Q- In what play does someone remark that, "Yond' Cassius has a
lean and hungry look"?
A- Julius Caesar
Q- The play and movie "West Side Story" is yet another
adaptation of which of Shakespeare's plays?
A- Romeo and Juliet
Q- To which of Shakespeare's plays will superstitious actors
refer only as "The Scottish Play?"
A- Macbeth
Q- In which of Shakespeare's plays is one of the characters'
heads turned into that of a donkey?
A- A Midsummer Night's Dream
Q- Who told Julius Caeser to "Beware the Ides of March!"?
A- A soothsayer
Q- In which play do three witches intone, "Double, double, toil
and trouble! Fire burn and cauldron bubble!"?
A- Macbeth
Q- What is the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia?
A- They are sweethearts.
Q- In one of his works, Shakespeare describes a horse who is
perfect in every way, ending with,
A- Venus and Adonis
Q- Okay, here's one for you. From what musical comes the
A- Kiss Me, Kate
-Coolness, Chestnut server-