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Not really nothing is really similar to Greek. Latin is the most similar language to Greek so therefore Italian and Spanish are the most similar languages today to Greek but Greek is probably the 7th most language similar to them.

Some words are the same though, e.g Piscina, fantastica, technologia, putana, programa, fantasma, porta, moderno.

A lot of the surnames are similar though.

Kyrgiakos / Ciriaco

Zannis / Zanni

Mantzounis / Manzoni

Kapelis / Cappelli

Roussis / Rossi

Papandreas / Papandrea

Grekos / Greco

Romanos / Romano

Marinis / Marini

+ 100s more.

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Italian and Greek are both part of the Indo-European language family, but they belong to different branches (Italian is Romance, Greek is Hellenic), so they have different language structures and vocabulary. There are some shared words and historical influences due to their proximity and interactions over time, but they are not considered similar languages.

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Is greek a romance language?

No, Greek is not a Romance language. It belongs to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family. Romance languages include Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, among others, which evolved from Latin.

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