TAMIL, arabic, greek, latin, chinese, persian, sumerian
Among which tamil is considered as the one of the oldest languages among all others
There is no specific number of "semmozhi languages." It may be a term used in a specific context or language, but it is not a recognized classification for languages worldwide. The number of languages in the world varies based on different criteria and estimates, with around 7,000 languages spoken globally.
Semmozhi is a Tamil word that means "classical language." It is often used to refer to the Tamil language, which is one of the oldest and richest classical languages in the world. Semmozhi is also the name of a conference and cultural event that celebrated the Tamil language and literature in 2010.
Seychellois Creole is the only language with Semmozhi status in Seychelles. It is recognized as an important part of the country's cultural heritage and is used in various official capacities alongside English and French.
The five languages of Semmozhi, as declared by the Government of Tamil Nadu, are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Oriya. These languages are recognized for their cultural and historical significance in the state.
Tamil is often referred to as "Semmozhi" in Tamil literature and culture. "Semmozhi" means "rich language" in Tamil, highlighting the language's depth and cultural significance.
Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese,Persian and now Tamil is added to it.
Greek, Latin, Arabic , Mandarin, Sanskrit, Tamil
Semmozhi is a Tamil word that means "classical language." It is often used to refer to the Tamil language, which is one of the oldest and richest classical languages in the world. Semmozhi is also the name of a conference and cultural event that celebrated the Tamil language and literature in 2010.
Seychellois Creole is the only language with Semmozhi status in Seychelles. It is recognized as an important part of the country's cultural heritage and is used in various official capacities alongside English and French.
Semmozhi means 'CLASSICAL LANGUAGE' in Tamil. Only 6 languages is classified as Classical Languages in world. ' TAMIL , CHINESE, LATIN, GREEK, HEBREW & SANSKRIT. In above classical language Tamil is the old language. Hebrew and Sanskrit is only in literatures. No one speak this languages. TAMIL is speak in 96 countries. It is learn in most part of the world.
The five languages of Semmozhi, as declared by the Government of Tamil Nadu, are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Oriya. These languages are recognized for their cultural and historical significance in the state.
Tamil is often referred to as "Semmozhi" in Tamil literature and culture. "Semmozhi" means "rich language" in Tamil, highlighting the language's depth and cultural significance.
Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese,Persian and now Tamil is added to it.
Semmozhi means Classical Language...
banks are holiday for semmozhi manadu ?
Eligibility criteria for a language to be called as 'Semmozhi'# It should have been born atleast 2000 years ago. It should have literary continuity for 2000 years. And is still existing.# It should have given birth to other languages.# It should have helped the world improving in Culture.# The world has only five languages which have the 'Semmozhi' status. Tamilzh is one amongst them.Tamil is a live and vibrant language inspite of being a contemporary of some of thedormant languages of yester millennium.-jvTamil did not simply assimilate with sanskrut culture but has really contributed to sanskrutmany of the sanskrut vocabulary has the root deivative of Tamil root words-jvTamil is not solely dependent on sanskrut like other Indian /satum languages but stillremains the only Indian language which can stand alone with its rich and evolutionaryvocabularythe classic/semmozhi nature of a language does not simply depend on a present citeriabut how it will sustain itself in its posterity - how it will be conserved/protected/evolvedwith ever changing days to come-jv
The area of Semmozhi Poonga is 80,937.128448 square meters.
six thousands more languages in the world