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βˆ™ 4y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Yul Brynner was known to be fluent in Russian, French, and English. He was also proficient in several other languages, but these three were the ones he was most proficient in.

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How do you count to 30 in Korean?

One- Hanna Two- duel Three- set Four- net Five- dasut Six- yesut Seven- ilgup Eight- yadul Nine- ahope Ten- yul Eleven- yul-Hanna Twelve- yul-duel Thirteen- yul-set Fourteen- yul-net Fifteen- yul-daset Sixteen- yul-yaset Seventeen- yul-ilgup Eighteen- yul-yadul Nineteen- yul-ahope Twenty- sumul Twenty-one- sumul-Hanna Twenty-two- sumul-duel Twenty-three- sumul-set Twenty-four- sumel-net Twenty-five- sumul-daset Twenty-six- sumul-yasut Twenty-seven- sumul-ilgup Twenty-eight- sumul-yadul Twenty-nine- sumul-ahope Thirty- sorun

How do you spell danial in pig latin?

In Pig Latin, "Daniel" would be spelled as "Anielday."

How do you pronounce one through ten in Korean?

Question: How do you pronounce on through ten in Korean? Answer: (1) One - han-NAH (2) Two - tool (3) Three - set (4) Four - net (5) Five - TAH-sut (6) Six - YEH-sut (7) Seven - ill-GUP (8) Eight - yeh-DUL (9) Nine - AH-hope (10) Ten - yul

What is one to ten in Korean?

하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열ON E, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN[[comas separate numbers- going from one to ten]]Answer:Native Korean numbers are used for hours and with counting words (a whole other topic). The English pronunciation of the native Korean cardinal numbers are:1 = Hana/ 하나2 = dul/둘 (dhool as in school)3 = set/셋 (seht)4 = net/넷 (neht)nett5 = ta-sat/다섯 (DA-suht)6 = yah-sot/여섯 (YUH-soht)7 = e-gup/일곱 (EEL-gohp)8 = ya-dail/여덟 (YUH-dohl)9 = ah-hop/아홉 (AH-hop)10 = yeol/열 (yul)Sino-Korean numbers are used for amounts of currency, telephone numbers, the 24-hour clock and counting minutes. The Sino-Korean cardinals numbers are:1 一 일 il2 二 이 i3 三 삼 sam4 四 사 sa5 五 오 o6 六 육 (N: 륙) yuk7 七 칠 chil8 八 팔 pal9 九 구 gu10 十 십 sip