In Leeds, over 100 different languages are spoken, reflecting its diverse population. The most commonly spoken languages in Leeds besides English are Urdu, Punjabi, Polish, Arabic, and Bengali.
The language mainly spoken in Delhi is Hindi. However as people of many different languages have moved to Delhi, different languages are also spoken. But the main language till date remains Hindi.English is also spoken on a large scale.
The most popular language spoken in London is English. London is a multicultural city with many different languages spoken due to its diverse population, but English is the most widely spoken language.
An official language is the language designated by the government for use in official communications, documents, and processes. It is typically used in government institutions, legal proceedings, education, and public communication.
The main language spoken in the Himalayas varies depending on the region, but some common languages include Nepali, Tibetan, and Hindi. There are also many local dialects and languages spoken by different ethnic groups living in the Himalayas.
There are numerous languages spoken in China, with Mandarin being the official language and the most widely spoken. Other commonly spoken languages include Cantonese, Shanghainese, and Hokkien, among others. These languages belong to different language families and have their own unique characteristics.
Many different languages are spoken in the many Commonwealth countries. The English language is common to most members of the Commonwealth.
The language mainly spoken in Delhi is Hindi. However as people of many different languages have moved to Delhi, different languages are also spoken. But the main language till date remains Hindi.English is also spoken on a large scale.
The most popular language spoken in London is English. London is a multicultural city with many different languages spoken due to its diverse population, but English is the most widely spoken language.
Shona is the most spoken native language, but English is a widely spoken second language for many people.
Many different languages like French and German but the national language is Arabic.
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
I think that there is about 200 or more language's spoken around Australia
There are many regions in the Konkan and Sahyadris of India that speak Konkani but the original Konkani language is spoken in Goa only and it is the local language there. Konkani is spoken in different forms with a mix-and-match of different languages in Sawantwadi, Ratnagiri, Mangalore.
There is no official language. Many different languages are spoken in the United States. but mostly english and spanish are taught in the schools.
An official language is the language designated by the government for use in official communications, documents, and processes. It is typically used in government institutions, legal proceedings, education, and public communication.
Israelis Has known to have 33 different languages spoken by the local communities. The main language the Israelis use is Modern Hebrew this language was spoken in the late 19th century. The 19th century spoken is based on different dialects of ancient Hebrew and is influenced by many languages.