Lesley is the female-only variation of the name.
Leslie is a multi-sex name, used for both males (rarely) and females.
Two other uncommon modern spellings of the name are Leslee (male & female) and Lesleigh (female).
In Thai, the name Leslie is spelled as เนเธฅเธชเธฅเธตเน.
Leslie is a unisex name that can be used for both males and females. It is more commonly used for females in the United States but can also be a male name in some other cultures.
The correct spelling of the female name is "Shobana."
The name "Jaculin" is typically spelled as "Jacqueline."
The female given name may be Naomi, which has the variants Naomie and Noemi.
In Thai, the name Leslie is spelled as เนเธฅเธชเธฅเธตเน.
Lesley or Leslie is a unisex name, which means both boys and girls can be named Lesley/Leslie.
i would like to know how to spell my name lesllie in spanish?
Abigail - a female name
It looks like you are trying to spell the female name Giuliana.
The female name sought may be Denise.
Natalie,I think
This is Leslie Garrett, who rose to fame during the 1990s.
Yes :Charley can be a female name You could also spell it Charlie as in short for Charliese
The female given name (a Biblical name) is spelled Delilah.
The female given name may be Lynette or Lynnette.
The common female given name in English is "Jacqueline".