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Suaimhneas is pronounced as "Soo-iv-nass."

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The word is suaimhneas; pronounced su-e-n'yes or su-ev-n'yes.

What is the Gaelic for 'serenity'?

Scottish Gaelic: soineanntachd, ciùineas, suaimhneas. Irish Gaelic: ciúnas, suaimhneas, sáimheThe word is 'serenity' not 'serentity' and it is soinneanntachd; ciùineas; suaimhneas.

How do yoy say tranquility in Celtic?

In Irish it's "suaimhneas"

What is the Gaelic word for tranquility?

The Gaelic word for "tranquility" is suaimhneas.

What is the Irish Gaelic for 'Serenity'?

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What is Irish word for peace?

Suaimhneas: peace, tranquility; quietness, rest.Sáimhe: peacefulness, tranquility

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We don't really say "rest in peace" in Irish. Instead we say, "Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam", which means "may her soul be at the right hand of God". People also say "Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam uasal", which means "may her noble soul be at the right hand of God", or "Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dilís" which means "may her faithful soul be at the right hand of God".

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You pronounce it like this "Say ha" that is how you pronounce Ceja.

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The Irish word for 'peace' is 'síocháin", roughly pronounced 'shee-khaw-in.The Scottish word is sìth