I'm not sure how to say it but I know that it means a surgical creation of a connection between the gall bladder and a hepatic duct and between the intestine and the gall bladder.
The root word of "pronounce" is "pronouncier", which comes from the Latin word "pronuntiare" meaning "to proclaim or announce."
Sure! A common example is "bat," which can refer to a flying mammal or a piece of sports equipment used in baseball.
"Pronounce" means to articulate or utter words or sounds in a specific way, typically in accordance with the rules of a language.
In Chinese, "gigi" would be pronounced as "jījī" (pronounced like "jee-jee"), with the meaning of "chicken." This term is often used as a slang term for a prostitution ring in Chinese.
The name Ayan means "bright, clear, or evident" in Arabic. It is pronounced as "ah-yahn."
Sound it out. Hepa tico cocho lan giocho lecy stentero stomies
"Guanxi" is the phonetic spelling for the Chinese phrase meaning "matter". To pronounce the phrase, you would say "gwan she".
The root word of "pronounce" is "pronouncier", which comes from the Latin word "pronuntiare" meaning "to proclaim or announce."
The pronounce of Mei Lee is same as the pronounce of Beauty in Chinese. Actually, It is a good name, if you like.
ram, meaning "high" is pronounced RAHM
It is pronounce "a rye" (like the grain or whisky)", meaning with a turn or twist to one side; askew Cheers Malcolm
Sure! A common example is "bat," which can refer to a flying mammal or a piece of sports equipment used in baseball.
The Irish word, meaning "people", is pronounced mwEEN-tchir.
Pronunciation by people too stupid to pronounce "turned" correctly.
I think it's how Japanese people pronounce Layla
The Irish word, meaning "power", is pronounced KOO-ahkt.