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10mo ago

Cioppino is pronounced "chee-oh-pee-noh" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

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What is the most popular food in Los Angeles?

Cioppino cioppino

Where was Cioppino orginated in the us?

Cioppino was created in Italy, not the United States.

How do you spell cioppino?

That is the correct spelling of "cioppino" (an Italian-American fish stew).

Where was cioppino made in the US?

san francisco

What country does cioppino soup come from?

San francisco, ca

What are the release dates for Throwdown with Bobby Flay - 2006 Cioppino 6-1?

Throwdown with Bobby Flay - 2006 Cioppino 6-1 was released on: USA: 1 January 2009

What is meant by the term cioppino?

Cioppino is a type of fish stew, specifically clams, mussels, scallops, quid, shrip, clams and crab (ideally the catch of the day) which is mixed with tomato and wine sauce.

What city's Italian immigrants are credited with a fish stew made with tomatoes wine and spices called cioppino?

San Francisco

What foods are representative of California?

Cheese. And some other stuff:) Mostly Mexican derivatives are California's favorite fare, but Cioppino - a seafood stew - is a uniquely Californian dish, originating with Italian fishermen who settled in San Francisco's North Beach area, following the fish. Achille Paladini known as the "Fish King" is credited with creating this seafood delight. Originally anything that swims, crawls or attaches itself to underwater rocks goes into Cioppino, all cooked in a fairly light tomato sauce base with strong fish stock. Any part of the things under the ocean that can't be eaten go to make the fish stock. Otherwise, if it's in the sea and it wriggles when you grab it, it's Cioppino. If it shuts its shell, it's Cioppino. Not for nothing do divers wear great rubber flippers; they simply got sick of losing toes to the restaurant industry or to hungry Italian fishermen. Cioppino is now a popular dish that has come a long way from it's origins. It is now considered proper to use Dungeness Crabs, "Crab Cioppino" Prawns, (Shrimp) Clams, and a firm fish, possibly also Scallops and Mussels making it an upscale version from the original throwing anything left over from the days catch into the pot.

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een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)

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How do you pronounce the name ceja?

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