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Their grandfather baked cookies, and the children ate them all.

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Rolan McNabb

Lvl 2
3y ago
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2mo ago

To correct the homonyms in the sentence, you should change "there" to "their," "eight" to "ate," and "grandfather" to "grandfather's." The corrected sentence would be: "Their grandfather's baked cookies and the children ate them all."

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11y ago

Their grandfather baked cookies and the children ate them all.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

There grandfather baked cookies and the children eight them all?

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Lvl 1
3y ago

there grandfather baked cookies and the children eight them all (4)

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4y ago


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Q: How do you correct the homonyms in the sentence There grandfather baked cookies and the children eight them all?
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What is the name given to a word instead of a noun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A pronoun functions as a noun in a sentence as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the objectof a verb or a preposition.Examples:The children visited their Aunt Jane.She baked cookies for the children. (subject of the sentence)The cookies that she baked were for the children. (subject of the relative clause)Aunt Jane baked them for the children. (direct object of the verb 'baked')Aunt Jane baked cookies for them. (object of the preposition 'for')

Functions of nouns in the objective case?

Nouns in the objective case typically function as the direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition in a sentence. They receive the action of the verb (direct object), indicate to whom or for whom the action is done (indirect object), or show the relationship between the noun and other words in the sentence (object of a preposition).

Does a preposition take the place of a pronoun?

No, prepositions and pronouns have different roles in a sentence. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence, while a pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun to avoid repetition. They serve different functions in a sentence.

Can pronouns be subject?

Yes, a pronoun takes the place of a noun and performs all of the functions of a noun as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:Noun subject of the sentence: Aunt Jane made cookies for the children.Pronoun subject of the sentence: She made cookies for the children.Noun subject of the clause: The cookies that Aunt Jane made are for the children.Pronoun subject of the clause: The cookies that she made are for the children.

How can use pronoun and noun as a subject?

A pronoun takes the place of a noun and can be used for any function in a sentence as a noun, as the subject of a sentence or clause and the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:Jane and I made cookies for the children.Jane and they made cookies together.The kids enjoyed the cookies that you and Janemade.

Related questions

Do pronouns use noun functions?

Yes, pronouns function the same as nouns in a sentence; as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:Mom made cookies for the children.She made cookies for the children. (subject of the sentence)The cookies that she made are for the children. (subject of the relative clause)Mom made them for the children. (direct object of the verb 'made')Mom made cookies for them. (object of the preposition 'for')

Which sentence element can be used as noun and noun substitutes?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A pronoun functions as a noun in a sentence as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the objectof a verb or a preposition.Examples:The children visited their Aunt Jane.She baked cookies for the children. (subject of the sentence)The cookies that she baked were for the children. (subject of the relative clause)Aunt Jane baked them for the children. (direct object of the verb 'baked')Aunt Jane baked cookies for them. (object of the preposition 'for')

What is the name given to a word instead of a noun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A pronoun functions as a noun in a sentence as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the objectof a verb or a preposition.Examples:The children visited their Aunt Jane.She baked cookies for the children. (subject of the sentence)The cookies that she baked were for the children. (subject of the relative clause)Aunt Jane baked them for the children. (direct object of the verb 'baked')Aunt Jane baked cookies for them. (object of the preposition 'for')

What are sentences using a noun?

A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or clause, or the object of a verb or a preposition.Example sentences:Noun subject of sentence: Aunt Jane made cookies for the children.Noun subject of clause: The cookies that Aunt Janemade are for the children.Noun object of verb: Aunt Jane made cookies for the children.Noun object of preposition: Aunt Jane made cookies for the children.

Did the preschool children anticipate the arrival of the freshly baked cookies?

Of course they did. Children love cookies.

Functions of nouns in the objective case?

Nouns in the objective case typically function as the direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition in a sentence. They receive the action of the verb (direct object), indicate to whom or for whom the action is done (indirect object), or show the relationship between the noun and other words in the sentence (object of a preposition).

What is a word used in a place of a noun?

A word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence is a pronoun.Example: Margaret made cookies for the children. She loves to bake. (the pronoun 'she' takes the place of the noun 'Margaret' in the second sentence)

What is the predicate adjective in the sentence you tossed your cookies?

There is no predicate adjective in that sentence.

Besides subject which is the other function for a subject pronoun?

Besides subject of a sentence, a subject pronoun can function as the subject of a relative clause. A relative clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb but is not a complete sentence. A relative clause 'relates' information about its antecedent.Examples: Mother loves to bake.subject of the sentence: She made cookies for the children.subject of the relative clause: The cookies that shemade are for the children.

A sentence for the word expectantly?

Expectantly is a term used to show the zeal with which people want something to happen at a certain time. In a sentence, it can be used as "The hungry children waited expectantly at the table as their aunt made cookies".

What is the verb in the sentence There are more cookies in the kitchen.?


What is a sentence for the word are?

"Where are the cookies?" asked Lukas.