Switzerland has four official languages, German, Italian, French and Romansch.
Swiss-German is a dialect of German, that is spoken in parts of Switzerland, but usually with different dialects varying between Kantons or areas. This is not recognized as a 'real' language as such.
Basic translations of 'Hello' in Swiss-German are:
Hoi (informal), Hallo, Gruezi (formal)
In Swiss German, you can say "Hallo liebe Fründe."
In German, "hoi" is a casual greeting similar to saying "hi" or "hey" in English. It is commonly used among friends or peers.
I am enjoying a delicious Swiss cheese sandwich for lunch.
Swiss chard is called "Sebje ka Patta" in Hindi.
Swiss Miss hiss bliss.
Hoi means hello in Swiss German
There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.
There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.
There is no word in the Cantonese language that means "swiss". It's like in English/Spanish. Buenos Dias mean good day but in the states we translate it to hello or good morning
In Swiss German, you can say "Hallo liebe Fründe."
Depending on context, Swiss can be translated as:schweizerischeidgenösischSchweizer (a Swiss man)Schweizerin (a Swiss woman)die Schweizer (the Swiss)
In German, "hoi" is a casual greeting similar to saying "hi" or "hey" in English. It is commonly used among friends or peers.
Bonjour, which is pronounced 'bohn zhoor', is a French equivalent of 'Hello'. Buongiorno, which is pronounced 'bwohn JOHR-noh', is an Italian equivalent. Guten Tag or Allegra, which respectively are pronounced 'GHOO-tehn tawg' and 'ah-LEHG-rah', may be German equivalents. In Swiss-German, the German dialect known as 'Swiss' (but not an official language as such) Hello is usually pronounced as Hoi (informal), Hallo, and Gruezi (formal). Ciao is used for both Hello and Goodbye in Romanisch.There isn't one language that's spoken in Switzerland. The country in fact has four official languages. So the greetings above may be wished, and understood, in different parts of Switzerland.
Swiss your a person like the previos guy said Swiss. You are Swiss
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I am enjoying a delicious Swiss cheese sandwich for lunch.