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homonyms and sentences: (not 30, but I'll do what I can):

no/know: No dogs are allowed here. Do you know the answer?

new/knew: She has a new dog. Dad knew how to make omletes.

see/sea: Can you see the lights? Whales live in the sea.

sale/sail: Is the sailboat for sale? Let's sail to the garage sale.

stare/stair: Just stare straight ahead. She slipped on the stair going into her house.

fare/fair: Is it fair that the bus fare is so expensive?

pair/pear: Mom put a pair of pears in the refrigerator.

made/maid: The hotel maid made our beds each morning.

be/bee: Don't be scared of a little bumble bee.

red/read: Yesterday, he read the book with the red cover.

threw/through: He threw the ball and it rolled through the mud.

here/hear: Did you hear that she wants to move here?

piece/peace: There will be no peace in this house if you ate the last piece of Dad's birthday cake.

ate/eight: The kid ate eight pancakes!

flee/flea: Why didn't the dog flee when the flea came its way?

one/won: He won one medal at the track meet.

there/their: Their new house is over there.

And four triple homonyms!

eye/I/aye: I enjoy reading. The pirate has a patch over one eye. Another pirate said, "aye!"

meet/meat/mete: I have yet to meetsomeone who doesn't eat meat. When I do, I will mete out a punishment!

two/to/too: Two dogs went into the dog house toeat their kibble, a third dog went in too!

write/right/rite : Please write your name. Are you right handed? It was a riteof passage.

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5mo ago

Sure, here are some examples of homonyms with sentences:

  1. Bark: The dog's bark is worse than its bite. / She will bark the tree with the help of her dog.
  2. Bat: He used a bat to hit the ball. / The bat flew out of the cave at dusk.
  3. Bear: The bear was spotted in the woods. / I can't bear to see you leave.
  4. Bow: She tied a bow on the present. / He used a bow to shoot the arrow.
  5. Date: What's the date today? / She went on a date with him last night.
  6. Fair: The fair was full of rides and games. / It is only fair to share with your siblings.
  7. Match: This match is not the right size. / Let's light a match to start the fire.
  8. Rose: She gave him a single red rose. / He rose from his seat to accept the award.
  9. Saw: He saw his reflection in the mirror. / She sawed the wood to make a table.
  10. Scale: The fish scales were shimmering in the sunlight. / She used a scale to weigh the ingredients.

I hope these examples help!

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