fredoo santana went to jail for 3 murders in 07 and he beat the murders in 2010.Thats why you dont see him in the earlier videos
yes fredo santana is a member of the black disciple gang
Derrick Coleman.
Absolutely not!
Fredo has no remorse for what he does who know how many bodies he catched the upside down cross on his forehead means his five five kills hes one bamf...
US rapper "Fredo Santana" (Derrick Coleman) was 27 years old when he died on January 19. 2018 (born July 4, 1990).
Artemio Santana goes by Art.
Catherine Santana goes by Cat.
Cristina Santana goes by Cris.
Franklin Santana goes by FKS.
Zagid Santana goes by Zaheed.
Johan Santana goes by Supernatural.