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Q: Slang word for cops in 1940s?
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What was a slang word for women in the 1940s?

A Dame

What is the English slang for police?

It is called Cops.

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It's "slang" for "cops"

Slang definition of fuzz?

The fuzz are the cops.

What does cops stand for in law enforcement?

The word "cop" (plural form "cops") is the shortend form of the slang word "copper." It refers to the copper metal badges law enforcement officers used to be issued, and in turn has been applied to those who wore them.

What does popo mean?

"Popo" can be a colloquial or slang term for the police in certain Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Mexico. It is similar to how "pigs" or "cops" might be used in English.

Who are the fuzz off of The Outsiders?

The fuzz is a slang name for the police or cops.

What are the slang words of the 1940s?

Kibosh(n)- A stop to something Kick(n)- Enjotment Brainchild- someones creative idea grandstand- To show off thats a few, but if you just go to google and search 1940s slang it brings up alot of other slang words

What ate two slang words for the police?

"Cops" and "Pigs" are two nicknames.

Who is the fuzz outsiders?

"Fuzz" is an old fashioned slang term for the police. You hardly ever hear it any more. Other terms for police include bobbies and coppers, or cops. Nowadays, you even hear the slang "po-po."

What does chedda mean?

It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money

Did they say kid in the 1940s?

The word "kid" was used in the 1940's and decades before that to refer to a child and a small goat. It is also a slang that refers to teasing or joking and it was around then too.