Fine Young Cannibals ended in 1996.
Fine Young Cannibals was created in 1984.
The duration of All the Fine Young Cannibals is 1.87 hours.
All the Fine Young Cannibals was created on 1960-09-15.
Fine Young Cannibals - album - was created on 1985-12-10.
Good Thing - Fine Young Cannibals song - was created on 1989-04-14.
Don't Look Back - Fine Young Cannibals song - was created on 1989-08-25.
All the Fine Young Cannibals - 1960 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 West Germany:16
"Good Thing" Fine Young Cannibals
There are many places where one can find the lyrics to Good Thing by the Fine Young Cannibals. A good place to find the lyrics is the website "lyricsfreak".
Fine Young Cannibals, a British band formed in 1984, officially broke up in 1992; however, returned in 1996 to record one last single titled, "The Flame".
The video 'She Drives Me Crazy' from the Fine Young Cannibals has a plot about a bad thunderstorm that occurred and the manager had sent the employee home early. Water was running through the entire street.