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The Rules Committee.

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Q: Which committee plays a key role in shaping floor debates in the House of Representatives?
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Related questions

Who leads the house and the committee?

The House of Representatives leads the house and the committee. Part of The House of Representatives includes the Speaker of the House and the Chairperson.

In the House of representatives, what is th enext step in the legislative process after the rules committee approves a debate over a very important bill apex?

The Committee of the Whole debates and revises the proposed bill - apex

What is one committee in congress?

The House Rules Committee (House of Representatives)

Does the Rules Committee exists in senate or house of representatives?

The Rules Committee currently exists only in the House of Representatives.

What is the most powerful committees in the house of representatives?

The most powerful committee in the United States House of Representatives is The House Rules Committee

Who runs the debates in the house of representatives?

The House majority leader

House committee with jurisdiction over spending?

Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives

How can the Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on Foreign Affairs be classified?

The Committee on Ways and Means is a standing committee in the U.S. House of Representatives responsible for managing all taxation, tariffs, and revenue-raising measures. The Committee on Foreign Affairs is also a standing committee in the House of Representatives, focusing on U.S. foreign policy and international relations. Both committees play crucial roles in shaping domestic and foreign policy.

Who determines the process by which a committee hears and debates bills?

The Speaker of the House

Which is not standing committee in the House of Representatives?

religion (A+)

What is the committee in the House of Representatives that considers all new tax bills?

The committee in the House of Representatives that considers all new tax bills is the Ways and Means Committee. Being on that committee is considered a pathway to power.

What is a committee formed by all of the members in the house of representatives called?

Committee of the Whole