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Q: Which branch of government receives the lowest rating in public opinion polls?
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Who is head of local government in tx?

The lowest level of the executive branch of any local government would be the mayor.

How is the executive branch of Britain's government selected?

By competitive examination, and also by interview for the lowest grades.

Which place in India receives the lowest rainfall?

Jaisalmer , Rajasthan

What are the two houses of the judicial branch?

The Judicial branch of the Federal government is the supreme court and at the state level is the court of appeals and then lowest are the district courts. When you use the term "houses" it sounds to me like you are confusing the Judicial and the Legislative Branch. The Legislative Branch is the congress which is split into two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Which continent receives the second lowest amount of precipitation?

Antarctica is the continent that has the lowest amount of precipitation within a year. The second lowest amount of precipitation annually is recorded by South America who averages .03 of an inch of rain.

What lowest court is called the district court?

In the federal Judicial Branch of government, the US District Courts are the trial courts for cases of general jurisdiction. State judiciaries may also have district courts.

What is the lowest authority on WikiAnswers?

I do not believe that there is a lowest authority. We all work together to make the site better. That is just my opinion though.

How do you know when a Factor Tree is done?

When the lowest branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

How do you know when you finish a factor tree?

When the lowest branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

How do you know if the factor tree is done?

When the lowest branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

What branch of military has the lowest percent that goes over seas?

The U.S. Coast Guard .

How do you know a factor tree is completed?

When the lowest branch consists entirely of prime numbers.