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The goal was to strengthen the national government and to limit its power.

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Q: What were the contradictory goals presented at the Constitutional Convention?
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Lincoln's first and ultimate goal was to preserve the Union. Other goals accrued over time as opportunities presented themselves.

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It was Thomas Jefferson:) not George Washington!!!!!!

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There are several:To establish justiceTo ensure domestic tranquilityTo provide for the common defenseTo promote the general welfareTo secure the blessings of liberty

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What is conflict of desires?

A conflict of desires occurs when an individual has competing or contradictory wants or goals. This can lead to internal turmoil or indecision as the person struggles to prioritize or fulfill these conflicting desires. Finding a balance or resolution between these competing desires may require introspection, compromise, or prioritization.

What are the goals of the Libertarian Party?

Although each member of any political party has his own goals and priorities, the main goal of the Libertarian Party is the restoration of civil rights to individuals. Other goals also include restoring the limited role of the federal government, return to more local control, limiting the exercise of power by the executive branch, balanced budgets, and a return to constitutional rule of law.

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Concealed propaganda is when information is presented in a way that is meant to influence opinion or behavior without clearly stating the goals or biases of the source. It can involve using deceptive tactics to subtly persuade people without their awareness or consent.

Which goals set at a women's convention in seneca falls in 1848 was finally achieved during the progressive era?

In 1920 (during the Progressive Era), the nineteenth amendment was ratified, which ultimately granted women their suffrage, the right to vote, of which was at first, a topic that women rights' advocates brought up at Seneca Falls, New York at the Women's Rights Convention.