George Thomas
Lord of the Dance.
One can find performances of Ain't No Sunshine on the YouTube website. One can also listen to song performances on the Spotify music downloadable application.
The song itself is, but certain performances and recordings may have their own protection.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, performances, and recordings may have their own protection.
EMI Blackwood controls the song itself; certain performances and recordings will have their own protection.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain arrangements, performances, and recordings may have their own protection.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain arrangements, performances, and recordings may still be protected.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain arrangements, performances, and recordings are still protected by copyright.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, performances, and recordings may have their own protection.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, performances, and recordings may still be protected.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, arrangements, performances, and recordings can have their own protections.