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If you are convicted of more than one offense, concurrent sentences run together with a max of the longest sentence. Consecutive sentences run one after the other. For example, say that you are convicted of three crimes with sentences of 5, 3, and 2 years. If the sentences are run concurrently, you would get out in 5 years less good time. If the sentences run consecutively, you would get out in 10 years (5+3+2) less good time. Eligibility for parole are treated the same. Consecutive means the years follow each other or are added on to the sentence. Concurrent means the years are served at the same time.

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14y ago

Consecutive sentences run one after the other (e.g.: 2 10 year sentences to run consecutively would equal 20 years in prison. Concurrent sentences run at the same time (e.g.: 2 ten years sentences running concurrently would equal a total of 10 years to be served (i.e.: you would be serving both sentences at the same time.)

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Concurrent sentences run at the same time. Consecutive sentences run back to back. For example, if a person is convicted of two crimes, and sentenced to one year on each, if he is sentenced to concurrent time, he will spend one year in jail, however if he is sentenced to consecutive time, he will spend two years in jail.

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Q: What is the difference between a consecutive sentence and a concurrent sentence in criminal cases?
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Is a consecutive sentence one that consists of two or more sentences that have been imposed simultaneously after conviction for more than one offense and that are to be served at the same time?

No. What you have described is a concurrent sentence (concurrent means at the same time). A consecutive sentence is served after another one (consecutive means following on).

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Some papers on tools for concurrent engineering are included. Although the defendant was found guilty on both criminal counts he would serve concurrent sentences much to the disappointment of the victims.

Can a consecutive sentence be reviewed to change to a concurrent sentence?

Yes, you can have the sentence changed by the judge that gave it to you. However, it's not free. You usually have to give evidence against yourself or someone else, to get the judge to want to change your sentence.

Use concurrent in a sentence?

The criminal was sentenced to two jail terms to be served concurrently.

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I have never heard of a sentence being described in such a manner. Multiple sentences of incarceration are either "consecutive" (i.e.: they run one after the other), or "concurrent" (i.e.: they run at the same time).

In a double murder trial the murderer might be sentenced to a certain number of years of imprisonment for each murder. Which option would a prosecutor arguing for the maximum sentence MOST LIKELY supp?

The question doesn't necessarily define what you're looking for, but I would say the best answer is that the prosecutor would argue for a "Consecutive Sentence".The two types of sentencing are "Consecutive" and "Concurrent".Assuming that the sentence for murder is 20 years (which is made up of course), a Consecutive sentence would mean that the defendant would serve 20 for each murder. So in the double homicide 20 + 20 = 40 years.In a Concurrent sentence, both sentences would be served concurrently, or at the same time, thus the sentence would only be 20 years (for the same double homicide).So, clearly, a prosecutor who wants the maximum time served would ask for a consecutive sentence.

What is a sentence for the word concurrent?

The convict served two concurrent prison sentences.

A sentence with the word concurrent powers?

One of the concurrent powers is postal services.

Does a person who violates their parole with a new felony have to serve the maximum on the original sentence?

It depends on the sentence for the second offense. If the judge sentences you to serve the second sentence consecutive (after) to the first, you will serve the remainder of the first sentence before beginning the second. If the judge orders the sentence concurrent, you will service both at the same time.

How do you use the word concurrent in a sentence?

The building of the new bridge was concurrent with the widening of the road. His daughter would often make two concurrent phone calls while also watching television. Concurrent prison terms meant that the criminal would be released in just a few years.

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence and the two are aggregated is he serving an indeterminate or a determinate sentence?

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence, the aggregate sentence would be considered a determinate sentence. This is because the determinate portion of the sentence imposes a fixed term of imprisonment, while the indeterminate portion establishes the minimum amount of time that must be served before the inmate becomes eligible for parole.

How long do you stay in jail if you have 11 felonies?

It depends on what the felonies are for and whether the sentences were consecutive or concurrent. Felonies as well as misdemeanors can be consolidated into one sentence and without knowing what the felonies were for or what the sentences were it is not possible to determine a term of incarceration.