A history of arrears means you have a backlog of tests that you have not cleared.
The term arrears may be mentioned in a credit report or by a company you owe money to. A history of arrears means you do not pay what you owe in a timely manner and are behind on payments.
yeah of course
standing arrear means the acive backlog and one has to take re-attempt to clear it.. history of arrears means the no. of backlogs you had and cleared throughout your qualifiaction which is under consideration for your selection
I assume that you have arrears in examinations. Study well and take those balance subjects in next immediate examination and pass out.
Fresh BE with minimum 6 arrears are enough
History of Engineering im West Africa
Your bridge fell on someone.
ASME (American Society Mechanical Engineering)
without history of arrears (from 1st semester to 8th semester) and have to got CGPA 75% or above.,
active component
sorry i don't know