The least cost avoider is the actor who can act to prevent a loss at the lowest cost. Assume a factory is polluting the air in a residential neighborhood. If it is cheaper for the factory to install a scrubber, move, or stop operations than it is for the residents to move to a new location or otherwise avoid the pollution, then the factory is the least cost avoider. If it is cheaper for the residents to move away from the nuisance, they are the least cost avoiders. Check out Ronald Coase and Guido Calabresi for more.
An avoider is a person who intentionally avoids things, or a vessel in which objects are carried away in order to avoid other objects.
The noun forms for the verb to avoid are avoider, avoidance, and the gerund, avoiding.
a least cost site is a business location that allows businesses to minimize its cost.
There are many things that is meant by the phrase 'least cost routing'. 'Least cost routing' typically refers to the process of selecting the path of outbound communications.
i think at least a ham hock cost at least about 2.13$ some where about IN that area
It cost at least 3.00 at walmart!
at least $5. at least $5.
1. Minimization of Cost for a Given Level of Output: Least Cost Conditions
a dodge ball cost at least $5 to $10
Well it may cost @ least 49.00 @the most
it cost around 100 to 130 dollars at least