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Q: What is a judgment of dismissal under pb 14-3 notices sent?
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What are we sent to do at the end of a Mass?

At the end of a Mass, we are sent forth with a blessing to go out into the world and live out our faith by loving and serving others. This sending forth is known as the dismissal or the "Ite, missa est" in Latin, which means "Go, it is the dismissal."

What is the origin of the word Mass?

The word "Mass" has its origin in Latin, from the phrase "Missa est" which means "dismissal" or "it is sent forth." This term refers to the dismissal of the congregation at the end of the Catholic liturgy.

Employee failed to turn up to work for one week and was sent a letter by the employer not to return to work. is this unfair dismissal?

if there isn't any reason why the employee did not show up or if they did not ask for one weel off, it is not an unfair dismissal.

When the contractor is delinquent on contract performance the two types of delinquency notices sent by the Contracting Officer are?

cure and default

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Ziva was sent back to Israel on Episode"Judgment Day" (part 2).

If the borrower doesn't make any payments will the bank sue or go after cosigners first to get payment or will they foreclose?

Notices of default will be sent to the borrower and co-signers, then notices of final opportunity to pay, then notices of foreclosure. Once the property is foreclosed and auctioned, the borrower and co-signer may be sued to cover any remaining deficit on the loan.

The Plaintiff filed for Motion for default judgment and i received a notice that the motion for default judgment is hereby denied What does that mean to me being the defendant?

That normally means the plaintiff asked the judge for a judgment against you not on the facts of the case but just because you're in default (for failure to appear, plead, answer, or do something else you're supposed to do as a defendant in litigation wherever you are). And apparently the judge said no, and either the law required that notice be sent to you or the judge in his or her discretion ordered that notice be sent to you. So right now there's no judgment against you -- yet. The next step if you do nothing but continue to receive court notices and you do not respond, may be for the plaintiff to ask the judge for a trial date where the plaintiff puts on its witnesses and evidence and if you are given notice to the trial and don't show up the judge could enter a judgment against you "ex parte" (one-sided) and then it just gets more difficult to undo anything.

Are speeding tickets sent to the address on a drivers license or to the vehicle owners address?

Speeding ticket are usually sent to the address on the license. However, if the officer notices that the license and registration addresses are different, they will ask for the correct one.

What does noticed?

Notices can either be the plural noun, or the present verb. If the noun, it is more than one of a communication intended to make you aware of something, usually of an event. "We sent out notices of the public meeting." "The accused persons must receive notices of the change of their court dates." If it is the verb, it is a form of the verb meaning "to take note of", which means to see, be aware of and remember some detail in the world around you. "Jim always notices when I wear my green dress."

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With his dismissal against Wigan, Richard Dunne (Man City) joined Duncan Ferguson and Patrick Vieira on 8 red cards.

What does severed from a judgment meanI was severed from a judgment but it turned up again. A lawyer sent a subpeona to my job . Can i be responsible for this judgment.I was the cosigner.?

You may be held responsible for the judgment if the original borrower fails to pay. When you cosigned for the loan you were agreeing to pay it if the borrower defaulted.

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Banks will repossess boats when an individual fails to make payments on their loan. Notices will typically be sent out and those continue to be unanswered and unpaid then repossession will occur.