The end result is death, it was in the begining and is to this make a long story short you have to keep the 1st commandment.And the big onion of lies the early church fathers developed, brouhgt to you by Martin Luther in 1517.Begains to peel layer by layer.there is a way that seems right to a man but the ways there in is death.
All of the Laws of the Pentateuch are Mosaic Laws, including but not limited to the Laws in Exodus Chapter 22.
"Mosaic" is a reference to Mosaic law - the laws handed down by Moses, ie: Judaism.
The Mosaic laws are named after Moses, who is believed to have been the prophet and leader who received them from God on Mount Sinai. Moses is considered to be the author and mediator of these laws, as they were given to the Israelites during their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Mosaic laws are religious laws found in the Old Testament of the Bible and are not living beings who wear clothes. They are guidelines and teachings on moral and ethical behavior.
Mosaic Jews
You can get information on the Georgia DUI laws and penalties at the link below.
The Ten Commandments are a subset of the broader Mosaic Law given to Moses by God. The Mosaic Law includes ceremonial, civil, and moral laws beyond the Ten Commandments.
Laws (and penalties for breaking those laws) varies from state to state. Without knowing your state, we can't even offer a good guess.
The Ten Commandments are a specific set of moral and religious laws presented in the Bible, while mosaic laws refer to the broader body of laws found in the Torah or Hebrew Bible, which includes civil, ritual, and moral laws given to the Israelites by Moses. The Ten Commandments are a subset of the larger mosaic laws.
It's probably like the relationship between the 'Constitution / Bill of rights' and all the other laws. Some contain the main principles upon which all other laws are founded on. Likewise with the 10 Commands and the mosaic laws. The 10 commands are the main principles upon which the other laws are founded on; plus some.