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Depends on where you live, how old you are, and if its your first offense. If you are under 17 usually if its your first offense you will get a amount of community service which depends on how much graffiti you did. But when you are over 17 or in some cases under it is a felony and you can face jail time, and lots of of it if your convicted. A graffiti writer from where iam from is facing up to 4 years for each of his 16 counts of vandalism. But anyway yea you can either get off easy or really get screwed so watch out.

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community service or jail, it depends on your age. vandalising someone's property and making them pay to get it repaired. hurting someone inside depending on what the graffiti is. making a town look poor and not very nice

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What type of career is graffiti?

If you mean doing graffiti legally, that would be an artist's job.

How is graffiti cleaned up?

rubbing alcohal and to tell you teens to stop doing graffiti

What is a graffiti?

Graffiti is when someone writes on someone else's property. Remember, you are still doing graffiti if you do a tiny doodle in a library book.

What can be an issue in a community?

littering and doing graffiti.

How many die from doing graffiti every year?

There are no specific statistics on the number of deaths from doing graffiti. Graffiti-related deaths are rare and typically result from accidents or altercations rather than the act of graffiti itself. It is important to prioritize safety and legality when engaging in any form of art.

When did Mohammed Ali Aerosol artist start doing graffiti?

He began painting graffiti in the late 1980's

Who is responsible to fix vandalism?

we can fix it by not doing graffiti!

What are the advantages of putting up graffiti on the walls?

There are none. Graffiti is unwanted spraypainting, and gets anybody caught doing it in trouble for vandalism.

What equipment do you need to start doing graffiti?

You need a spray can of paint. Graffiti is illegal and should only be done on places where it is allowed.

Why do people do graffiti?

to show there art of because they all don't get in gallaries

Is graffiti really a bad thing to do?

If you are doing something that both breaks the law and ruins other people's property, then yes, graffiti is bad.