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They can provides the constitution

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Levy taxes

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Q: What are 6 examples of the legislative branch economic power?
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What are the economic powers granted to the legislative branch?

economic power of legislative

The legislative branch - Economic power?

The 5 economic powers of the Legislative Branch are: 1. The power to levy taxes 2. The power to borrow money 3. The power to regulate commerce 4. The power to coin money 5. The power to punish counterfeiting You're welcome you basic peasant.

What power does the legislative branch have over the executive branch?

The president has no power over the legislative.

Which branch of the government has the power to declare war?

the legislative branch

What happened to the legislative branch when napoleon took power?

There was no legislative branch for Napoleon. He was French and the French didn’t have a legislative branch.

Which branch have legislative power?

legistative branch

Which branch of government has the power to declare war against this aggressor?

The Legislative Branch (Congress) has the power to declare war.

Which power belongs to the legeslative branch?

The legislative branch creates the laws. A good way to remember this is legislate rhymes with create! Another name for the legislative branch is the "LEGISLATIVE POWER"

What power does the executive branch have over the legislative?

The president has no power over the legislative.

What branch of government is the power of the sword?

Legislative branch

What power the legislative branch over the executive branch?

The executive branch can veto proposed bills made by the legislative branch. This power division is laid out in Article 1, section 7 of the Constitution. This procedure allows the executive branch to have some power over the legislature and thus "check" the legislative branch's power.

Which branch of government has the power to collect taxes?

The legislative branch lays and collects taxes. They have what is called the power of the purse. They control everything that involves federal money.