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The answer provided specifically states exactly what you just repeated. Also the answer provided did not distinguish between personal or over the phone conversations because it was irrelevant to the answer as both apply equally.

The bottom line and to avoid further confusing the person posing the question, anything that is recorded in Ohio is fine as long as you are part of the conversation or you have permission from at least one person who is involved in it.

I also disagree in regards to "getting every persons permission first" if there are multiple States involved in the conversation. It is easier to ask what State a person is calling from then warning them about recording a conversation. The whole point of recording it to begin with is (I am assuming) to catch someone with their pants down breaking the law such as harassment or threats. I seriously doubt that you'll get someone to agree to having them be recorded while that is going on. Unless the State a person is in has an "All Party Consent" law, keep it to yourself.


The question does not state if the conversation is being recorded 'in person' or 'over- the-phone.' The following covers only 'over the phone' conversations: Ohio's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Ohio law makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.52. Thus, if you are in Ohio, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance.

That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.


There are 12 States in the U.S. That requires ALL parties involved in the conversation (All Party Consent) to be made aware that the conversation is being recorded. These States are:










New Hampshire



The following 38 States require that at least ONE person (One Party Consent) involved in the conversation has given permission for the conversation to be recorded including the person doing the recording:




District of Columbia















New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota




Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota






West Virginia



This falls under the United States Code: Title 18.2511. As long as you actually take part in the conversation and are doing so in a State that allows "One Party Consent", it is quite legal to record the conversation without another party in the conversation giving permission or even being told that they are being recorded.

Hope that fully answers your question..

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In Ohio, as in many other states, it's not illegal if the person recording is a party to the conversation.

Twelve states require ALL PARTIES to consent to the recording. These are:

California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington.

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11y ago

Yes, Ohio is known as a one person consent state. You do not need another persons permission to record a private conversation if you're an included party. Meaning, If you're eavesdropping (a third party to a conversation) you could be charged with eavesdropping (a serious crime).

You can also freely record people in public. This has been affirmed many times.

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13y ago

As the question is worded, no. Ohio permits tape recording of your own call.

However, this becomes more complicated when another party may come on the line, THEN the recording must be disclosed.

Also: If the call originating in Ohio crosses into another state, that state's laws may not allow it and the recording activity will have to be disclosed.

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