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Q: How old do you have to be to go to the theater with out your parents?
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Can a 16 year old get into a movie theater to see a r rated movie with parents permission?

Only if the parents also attend the film.

Did Theodore Roosevelt go to the theater?

yes when he was 12 years old

Who went to the old globe theater?

People that wanted to go and see a play written by Shakespear.

Can a 2 year old go to the movie theater?

Yes, but only for Rated G movies.

Why you go to the theater?

You go to the theater to spend your pas time, also for enjoyment. Why do you go to the park? to have fun and enjoy. Well, that's why you go to the theater.

How can a 13 year old girl go out with a 14 year old boy?

Its simple, but don't go behind anyone's back, especially your parents or her parents. If you like her then ask her out.

How old do you have to be to work at Malco Theater?

You have to be 16 years old or older to work at Malco Theater.

How do you go to see new moon if your theater was burnt?

Go to another theater.

What can you do if Im thirteen and your parents dont like your sixteen year old boyfriend because they think he is to old?

Nothing. You are a minor and your parents have the right to determine who you can go out with and why. Your parents are right on this. Ask yourself why would a 16 year old boy want to go out with a 13 year old? The answer isn't he likes you.

How old do you have to be to go to court to mov e out in Iowa?

How old do I have to be to go to court nd move out of my parents house in iowa?

Can a 10 year old girl go out?

No, unless her parents are drunk. She can't go out.

How do you get to the theater in pixie hollow?

Go to the map and then go to Havendish Square and then go to the Fairy Tale Theater