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find a nice time like a holiday so you call for a reason other than just money than nicely ask for the money that you need.

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Q: How do I ask for money from an estranged father I am 19 and he never paid child support. I need a large sum of money for a car and have half. Can I ask for the money I spoke to him a year ago.?
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If the father receives a large settlement does he have to give more child support?

Generally, child support is based on income, not assets.

Do you have to report a big sum of money to child support if you get child support in th state of Tennessee?

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What can you do bout someone that threatens u with child support?

The answer depends in large part on whether the "threat" is valid. Are you the child's father? Did you sign an acknowledgment of paternity or pass genetic testing? Were you married to the mother when the child was conceived/born? I suggest you contact an attorney who specializes in family law about this.

Does a father need to pay back payments on child support if he has never paid before?

yes. If he has been found guilty of non payment, the court may have him pay one large lump sum.

If You pay child support for one child in TX and you have 2 that live with you and they have large medical bills Can this be taken into account for temporary reduction in Child support in TX?

Yes, under a rebuttable presumptionsee links

How much does child support increase if non custodial parent comes into a large sum of money?

The state sets the rates for child support. If he has paid up and is not in arrears, then the money is his to spend.

Does the noncustodial parent have to pay child support to custodial parent if child moves in with noncustodial parent?

No, but the new CP should immediately return to the venue that issued the order to get it terminated, or at least suspended until custody is worked out.Wrong. The newly-custodial parent will have to continue to pay child support until which time the "current" court order reflects that you no longer have to.Such things as a large pay differences could very-well continue having you pay child support but at a very small amount, in order to equalize the child's living conditions.(I thought it was BS too but I'm a single father who still pays child support)

Can a 33 yr old sue the biological parent for child support arreages in Washington state if the parent just received a large inheritance?

No. If there were arrears in this case it was owed to the custodial parent. The child does not get child support or arrears.

Can you request a persons licence plate number from the police station if that person owe's a large sum in back child support?

No. I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency about collecting the arrearage.

What happens when after giving up you parental rights you still owe a large amount in child support?


Why do women put men on child support out of anger?

Good question. I would like to know the answer to that one myself, as I have personally had a woman tell me while she was pregnant she didn't want to put me in child support but after our breakup while she was still pregnant, she told me she wouldn't let me see the kids and to just: "pay child support".There is no law in place to protect someone from this and far too many women who do put men on child support out of anger but who can prove it anyway?People say many things when they are disappointed and angry but that does not mean all their actions after the breakup is out of anger. Children cost a fortune and that is something you find out down the road, exactly how much. One parent can not decide whether the other parent will be allowed to see their child or not. That is where the law comes in because people can be petty and not think of their child first. Child support is not a punishment, it's supporting your child. See it as a privilege to have a child and to be able to support it. Very few people is living large on child support.ClarificationThe question is completely lacking in any responsibility for supporting a child that was brought into the world and reduces it all to a petty squabble. It's not. If a father feels threatened by the possibility of having to pay child support then he needs to find his big boy pants and accept responsibility for the child he helped to bring into the world.Child support is not just another petty source of squabbling for irresponsible parents. Everyone involved needs to remove it from the drama of adults who bring babies into the world who cannot even get along with each other. Women do not "put men on child support", courts do. Perhaps if you use the correct language it would help you understand your responsibilities better- your perspective needs readjusting. Most of the parents who engage in this type of behavior are receiving some type of state financial assistance. The taxpayers are supporting the mother and child. The father needs to step up and pay his share and help take the burden off the taxpayers.Every parent by law must support their children. Women don't put men on child support. Courts issue child support orders when the child's father has been identified through a paternity test. Every child is entitled to receive child support from their father regardless of whether or not the mother is responsible enough to identify the father and request it. It's not something the child's mother is holding over you, it's the law.

Is a husband responsible for his wifes child support payments?

If her deceased husband overpaid his child support his estate could sue to recoup the amount of the overpayment. His widow must petition to be appointed his estate representative and that appointment would provide her with the authority to bring suit. Of course, all the costs associated with that action must be considered and the amount of the overpayment must be large enough to warrant such an action. Keep in mind that minor children have a claim to their father's estate in most jurisdictions.