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A motion for discovery is made to the court. The copies of which are served to the other party and the court. The original can be given to the court or kept by the defendant.

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Q: Does a party who serves discovery REQUESTS keep the original?
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What is a certificate of discovery?

A certificate of discovery is a legal document that verifies the completion of the discovery process in a court case. It typically lists the documents and evidence exchanged between parties during the discovery phase of litigation. It serves as proof that both parties have complied with their obligations to disclose relevant information.

What is a method of discovery in law?

Some discovery methods include written questions called interrogatories - requests for admission which can be only admitted or denied - oral questions at depositions - requests for inspection of property impossible or impractical to move and - requests for production of papers and other physical items to be delivered to the requesting party

Does propounding party to discovery request serve original or copy?

The party RESPONDING to a discovery request (i.e.: the one being required to surrender the documents) would be required to supply original copies (unless permission was granted by the court to do otherwise).Another View:Generally, persons responding to requests for discovery need only provide true copies of originals, which the responding party will certify are true copies. The request for discovery will either ask for a true copy or request that the original be made available for inspection and copying, usually at the responding attorney's office.For practice in the federal courts, see Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26(a)(A)(ii) for initial discovery, Rule 30(f)(1) for documents produced for a deposition and Rule 34 for producing documents. For practice in state courts see the respective state court rules of civil procedure. Most have similar provisions since most are modeled after the Federal Rules.There are several reasons for this procedure.One is that discovery is intended to apprise a party of the evidence the other party intends to use at trial. A party turning over a copy will sign a certification that the documents are true copies of the original. A true copy is sufficient for this purpose. If a party serves something other than a true copy, that party will be barred from using the original at trial and will expose himself to a charge of contempt of court or perjury for making a false certification.Another is that the requesting party always has the right to inspect and copy the original or inspect the original and verify that the true copy produced in discovery is actually a true copy. Thus the requesting party is assured of learning what the document states.Further, when there are multiple plaintiffs or multiple defendants, or both, it is logically impossible for all opposing parties to get the original, since there is only one original. If all of the multiple parties serve requests for production of documents at the same time, which one gets the original? If one of several opposing parties served his request first and now has the original and the responding party is served with another notice to produce, what does he do?Lastly, no litigant would ever be required to turn over his original evidence to the opposing side. This would present the problem of destruction, loss or tampering with one party's evidence by the opposing party. It would also break the chain of custody of the document, which, if necessary for its introduction at trial, could preclude the responding party from using his own evidence.As long as there are methods by which an requesting party may verify the accuracy of a copy of a document produced in discovery and as long as the requesting party has the remedy of moving for an order to bar the original, the requesting party does not need the original during the discovery phase of the litigation.

Identify and define the alternative tools of discovery?

Alternative tools of discovery include requests for admission, interrogatories, requests for production of documents, and depositions. Requests for admission ask the opposing party to admit or deny specific facts. Interrogatories are written questions that the opposing party must answer in writing. Requests for production of documents require the opposing party to provide specific documents. Depositions involve questioning witnesses under oath outside of court.

What does the term discovery mean in a trial?

In a trial, discovery refers to the process where each party can obtain evidence and information from the other side before trial. This helps ensure transparency and allows both sides to prepare their case effectively. Discovery methods include requests for documents, depositions, and interrogatories.

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What does request for discovery mean?

In law, discovery refers to the right of each party to see the evidence that the other party(s) intend to introduce at trial.

What was Rutherford B. Hayes slogan?

He serves his party best who serves his country best