Depends on quality of service. You never get money, you earn it by being good at what you do. Some architects make very little, some lawyers make very little. No one ever hires a talentless of either if they are actually paying them to do a job.
Money-wise a lawyer is definitly better than an archaeologist, but personally I think archaeology would be a more enjoyable job.
you could be a footballer or singer or lawyer because you get the most money more than police, fireman and doctors !
Ofcourse! If he has the right clients and good connections, an architect can make more than a doctor or lawyer. As with any career associated with design and art, your name is everything. An architect must sell himself, if possible, to rich clients with no taste (that want greek columns, statues, and waterfalls everywhere). Once established, an architect can run his own firm, which like any business can make millions (I doubt an architect can become a billionaire through architecture alone, real estate development is key). Look at Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Carlos Calatrava, etc... They are all architects who have made millions through their designs. You can make money in anything, you just have to do it.
Yes they do. But first, you will need to learn to spell a bit better. Especially Lawyer.
Well, it depends. A regular doc. like a pediatrician might make about the same or a little less than an architect, while a surgeon of any kind will make more. Also, for the amount of school, if you were to be in pedeatrics, you would be better off being an architect. To be a surgeon you need 13 years of college. To be an architect you need less than half of that. Therefore, the architect is better bc its less school but the same $ as a pedeatrician. But if you wanted to make more than that, you would be better off being a surgeon because architects make about 100 - 200 thousand a yer while surgeons make 300,000 or mare, yearly.I hope this helped!
In theory a carpenter would be using more energy than an architect, though that would be a generalisation.
You have more money than I have --- therefore, it is "You have more than I."
Depending upon where you live and what skills you have it may salary varies widely for both nurses and architects. Generally, nurses make more starting out but plateau while an architect makes less initially but may make more money later in their careers. Nurses however work less than architects. So the amount of work for pay may mean nurses earn more per hour on average.
You can get another lawyer. But you should consider that your lawyer MAY know more than you.
Doctors make: between 90,000 to 200,000 Fashion Designers make: Depending on the industry and how popular the brand is it can range from a mere $1000 to $100,000,000, for instense Chanel made around 50 million. So the answer is yes a Fashion Designer makes more money than a doctor
They make mire money wilorking by theself than sharing with partners
That is totally dependant on how much money that person makes.