Value of reflect painting
The value of a Tom Keating painting is $20,000.
A value is not assessed as the painting is not for sale.
The intent of copyright protection is to allow creators to ascribe value to their intellectual works.
I have a painting by Charles T. Garo and would like to know its' value.
The exact value of a can painting by Janicotte would actually depend on a couple different things. Some of these things would include the age and condition of the painting.
The value of a painting by Edward Dyer would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be, which specific painting and condition.
The symbol for the operation of absolute value is |n| but I don't know why a common symbol is needed.....
I think I have the orignal painting of Tretchikoff's Chrysanthemum
You can have it appraised by a specialist in that type of rights.
A salvage title will reduce the value of an automobile by about 50 percent. However, in some cases, it will reduce the value by 80 percent.