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This question cannot be answered here. Bonding is supplied by private insurance companies who's requirements may differ from one to the other. You must contact the particular insurance company involved to determine the answer.

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17y ago

There's no need for a bond after someone is convicted. Whether or not a person is eligible for bond after being charged with a crime is decided by the court.

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Is someone with a DUI conviction bondable?

Yes of course it is a bond able conviction. Rest it depends upon the type of DUI one has and the county he's in.

What is conviction by plea?

A conviction by plea is where you plea "guilty" or "nolo contendre" (no contest) to a charge. The plea is treated as a conviction of that charge.

Is everyone bondable?

People with criminal records are not bondable.

How do you use conviction?

She has a conviction of passing the examination. This is a sentence containing the word conviction.

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If it was a charge, but there was never a conviction, most states have some type of expunction. If you have a felony conviction, I'm sure all states are different, but where I am, a conviction is there forever.

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You don't appeal a charge - you appeal a conviction.

Can you buy a gun in Texas with an expunged domestic violence charge from Georgia?

Charge- yes. Conviction- no.

Can a person who declared bankruptcy be bondable?

Yes, a person is still bondable. They just have to be able to pay their bond or have a clear background check to be bondable.

Can you own a rifle in pa with a simple assault charge?

If it's an ongoing felony charge, or a felony conviction, no.

Can someone with a domestic violence charge or conviction be a cop?

It is highly unlikely.

How can you get a job with a simple assault charge?

If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

Can you get a job having a forgery charge?

A charge maybe. A conviction, maybe. Depends on the type of conviction it was. If it was reduced to a midsdeamenor and you did the time and paid the punishment, maybe. Depending on the employer and the kind of job you're trying to get.