Allen Ludden Allen Ludden hosted many Game Shows, including the GE College Bowl, but he was most famous for hosting both the daytime and primetime versions of Password on CBS and ABC between 1961 and 1975. He started hosting an updated version of the game, Password Plus, on NBC, in 1979, but illness forced him off the show in 1980. Allen Luden
Magnus Magnusson
Password Allen Ludden was married to Betty White.
That was the original title of "The Ed Sullivan Show".
Steve Burns was the original host for the Nickelodeon children's TV show Blue's Clues. Burns hosted the show for six years, beginning 1996 and ending in 2002. His role was then replaced by Donovan Patton.
The original version of the show from March 30 1964 was hosted by Art Fleming.
wrong password
No. She was one of the original Hooters Girls. She got fired when her snatch fell off.
The cast of Solletico - 1992 includes: Arianna Ciampoli as TV Host Elisabetta Ferracini as TV Host Irene Ferri as Tv Host Michele La Ginestra as Tv Host Mauro Serio as Tv Host
you can't you need a password
The original People's Court announcer was Jack Harrell, and Curt Chaplin took over beginning in season 13. The People's Court was created by John Masterson.
i need to tune in my tv but it asks me for password and i dont know it how can i find out