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Will receives his silver oakleaf in the end of book 1

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Q: When does will receive his silver oakleaf in the ranger's apprentice series?
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In the series the rangers apprentice why does Will become a full ranger in book 7 and 5?

He doesn't, book 7 accually comes before the events in book #5 and #6. He achieves the silver oakleaf in book seven and in book #5 Will is already a Ranger

What is the 3 book in the rangers apprentice series?

The icebound land

Who wrote the Rangers apprentice?

John Flanagan is the author of the Ranger Apprentice series.

Will they make a rangers apprentice 10?

i heard that there will be twelve books in the series

When is book 9 of the Rangers Apprentice series coming out?

October 2010

Where can you get the rangers apprentice series?

I don't know, maybe at a book shop?

What book shop can you get the rangers apprentice series?

Barnes and noble or books a million

When is the Ranger Apprentice series book Sorcerer in the north coming out in America?

go to the rangers apprentice official website, then "news"

What is the setting for ranger's apprentice?

the rangers apprentice is set in a world based on ours in medieval times. the main characters are from Araluen (England) and the series takes place in and around the country. for more information go to the official Rangers apprentice website

What are some good books about medieval times?

the rangers apprentice book series by John Flanagan

When will John Flanagon bring out more Rangers apprentices?

There are no further books planned for the Ranger's Apprentice series.

How many pages are in book 6 of the rangers apprentice series?

Book five has 295 pages