submissive to males
They looked after the farm and the children
Women were considered as chattels by men. They bore children and looked after the house. They had no rights and could be bought and sold - one woman in ancient Egypt was worth 3 bars of copper, or two oxen.
Their role was to construct the pyramids
Women of Egypt had power if they were fertile, they were considered successful. Women in Egypt could also become pharoah, if they were married into it and the previous pharoah had no sons, but daughters. Women in ancient Egypt had a lot more freedom than those in most other ancient civilizations. They had the right to own and sell their lands. Some of those with education were priestesses, had jobs in administration, were supervisors, treasurers or even occassionally advisors to the pharaohs. Those of the lower classes could be hairdressers, weavers, dancers, mourners or prostitutes. Women also took care of children and the household, and would work on farms if they were of that class.
what are the responsibilities of an ancient Egyption farmer
the role of women was to take care of children.
Ancient Egyptian royal women played many roles. First if she was the kings wife she would give birth to his children and if she could not conceive and or a son another woman would give birth to the kings children hopefully bringing a son. Second if she was queen she would have to play the same role as a man and she would be expected to have a husband and children of her own.
The role of men is to be responsible for economic well-being of the family. The role of women is to perform household tasks and take care of the family. Women had jobs, like weavers, dancers, singers, bar ladies, or lions. all women had green hair and long butt nails.
they were the tombs for the Pharaohs
they were the tombs for the Pharaohs
the Nileplayed the part in the death proscess in ancient egypt by having the body washed in it