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Cookie Cart in North Minneapolis hires 14 year olds. It's a bakery that teaches adolscents job skills. Stop in for job info and applications! 1119 West Broadway. 612-521-0855 Also, Wendy's hires 15 years olds. Good luck!

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12y ago

Since its almost the summer they can work for 40 hours Or less. I think they also must stop working by 9 pm. During school it's only 3 hours per day. 8 hours on non school days. Hire them !

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Q: How many hours is a 15 year old allowed to work in Minnesota?
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Maximum hours allowed to work at age 18?

As many as are available to be worked. Anything over 40 hours at one job requires overtime pay, but you can work as many hours as you're capable of working.

How many hours is an employer allowed to make his or her emplopyees work in week?

This depends on age and location.

How many hours are you allowed to work in a day if you are aged between 16 and 17?

Different countries have different laws.

In Florida how many hours can 15 yr old work?

While school is in session, 15 year olds are only allowed to work 23 hours a week, with three hours on a school day. This is increased to 40 hours when school is not in session.

Can you be 14 to work in the state of Minnesota?

yes but limited hours. I caddied at age 11

Are children under the age of sixteen allowed to work on a work site?

Yes, but proper documentation must be evident. They cannot work as many hours as their adult co-workers.

What hours of people of 14 years old allowed to work?

Part time for work experience

Is a school allowed to make you do work out of school hours?

yes school is allowed to to make you do homework outside of school

How many hours a day do they work?

If you are under the age of 18 you are only allowed (legally) to work 5 hours a day.

What are the hours you are allowed to work aged between 16 and 17?

32 and half

Is it illegal to get a job at 12 in England?

No, but there are restrictions as to what you're allowed to work with and which hours.

How many hours teachers work a month?

depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.