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You are a guest in a foreign country, upon your arival you are greeted by the King. He tells you, amoungst other things about his recent capturing of a gang of theives (10 in total) and lines them up in front of you. He explains how due to there crimes against the state they are to be shot a first light tomorrow, but adds that as it is your first time here, and in honour of it, he may make an exception. He states that if you shoot one now, as an example to the others he will free the remaining nine! If not they will all be condemed. What do you do?

AnswerThis is why preparing for an interview by thinking about potential questions is very valuable. You have a chance to give this some serious thought.

Come up with a real example from your own experience, preferably from a job. Make sure you made the correct "moral choice" when you were faced with it. Try practicing the story to a friend or family member. Not only will saying it out loud help you practice, you'll get a second opinion on whether you acted ethically. :-)

AnswerSuppose You are thirsty during interview and just in front of you there is one water bottle without glass and Interviewer tell you to drink then you have many questions in your mind like- should you drink it or not, if yes then how to drink - directly or using glass that is not available at that time and you have one more question in your mind regarding your selection in that interview. In that situation your beliefs are not able to determine that what is right and what is wrong.

hope it will help you to understand ethical dilemma.

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15y ago

Another question from the Interviewer's Handbook" Be ready for it with an answer that no one can disagree with like:

I base my life on three things: Honesty, Respect and Hard Work

Then be prepared to show how you exhibit these values.

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13y ago

with difficulty! ok, first, keep your cool. Have peace of mind, nothing is very difficult. And for complex questions, first understand them, then understand the answer expected, and if you don't know the answer, beat around the bush and then just give a not very deep answer about the question. And at last, BEST OF LUCK

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9y ago

To handle an ethical dilemma, determine what the right course of action is that fits in with your values. Also, take care to follow the industries rules.

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Q: How do you answer 'Describe an ethical dilemma you have faced' in a job interview?
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