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there are far to many ways a parasite can effect a host not only on animals but also on humans they can live inside you for years and you would not know it until in the the last stages of its lives where it is still the same strength or bigger than that parasite as to begin with if you want more knowledge on this potentially life threatening project watch a programme on YouTube or t.v it is called :

monsters inside me

it helps with useful facts that could help you or others healthy but for now take care of yourselves and each other :)

love ~Pj~

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Parasites invade the body through food and water intake, openings in your body, through your skin and through carriers like mosquitoes.

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it destroys other living organisms..:)

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Q: What are the effects of parasites on a community?
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What effects does a parasites presence usually have on its host?

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Eukaryotic parasites are more similar to human cells than bacterial parasites, making it harder to target them specifically without affecting human cells. This can lead to more side effects from the drugs used to target eukaryotic parasites. Additionally, eukaryotic parasites are often larger and more complex than bacterial parasites, which can make it more challenging to develop drugs that selectively target them.

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According to natural health experts, both ginger and garlic are two foods that can result very effective to combat human parasites, and even to get rid of them completely. Said parasites enter the body through the consumption of contaminated food or water. Garlic and ginger both have detoxifying and antibiotic effects, which make them an excellent option to fight against parasites without risk of adverse effects of antibiotics.

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the effects of narcotics to the community: -makes the community people unrealistic well-being -the community problem will become worst (health problems) -many people will die -the life of the people in the community is depending on narcotics. -many people will become addicted to it. -they will have side effects (diseases, illness will become fatal) -population decreases. -fatima rubillos-

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Can turpentine be used to kill parasites in humans?

Turpentine is not recommended for killing parasites in humans as it can be toxic and have serious side effects when ingested. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for safe and effective treatment of parasitic infections.

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