

Best Answer


Whilst I would agree with the answer choice, there are over 85,000 other creatures that would fall into the category of having a foot but no legs.

A more definitive question and correct answer would be:

Which group of animals has a foot but no legs?

Mollusc's - Like snails, slugs etc...

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Q: What animal has a foot but no legs?
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Fish are an obvious animal with no legs but there will be water snails who have a foot but no leg and probably many more creatures too.

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The number of legs an animal has certainly does affect how that animal moves. If the animal has two legs they are limited in movement to what those two legs can do.

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An animal that has four legs is called a quadruped, quad meaning 4 and ped meaning foot. Similarly, an animal that has two feet are called a biped.

Numbers only What has for legs and one FOOT?

A bed - it has one foot (the foot of the bed) and four legs (which make it stand as a bed)

What is a animal with legs and without leg is called?

An animal with legs is called a quadruped, while an animal without legs is typically called a legless animal or a serpentiform.

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It's a complex supporting organ ending in a weight-bearing foot with the ability to support the animal's weight on land.

A biped is an animal that walks on 2 legs so what is an animal that walks on 4 legs called?

An animal that walks on four legs is called a quadruped.

What has foot but no leg?

The answer to the riddle is the snail. A snail has a foot but no legs.

What black animal has 8 legs?

Well, no ANIMAL has eight legs but an arachnid called SPIDER does