Snail breathes, CO2 add Lime water = Limewater turns chalky white
I think when they receive carbon dioxide
Because minerals and co2 is in plenty in pond water, hence plant grow well in pond water.
Snails produce CO2 all the time even if they are alive. It doesn't matter if there is light or not. Animals do not consume CO2 at all but produce it as a product.
No, dead plants do not give off oxygen because they are no longer undergoing photosynthesis, the process by which plants generate oxygen. Instead, dead plants undergo decomposition, releasing carbon dioxide back into the environment.
Get a pond full of plankton to absorb all the co2 out the air.
CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in soda to give it its fizziness.
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in soda to give it its fizziness.
"Give off CO2" means releasing carbon dioxide into the air as a byproduct of a chemical reaction or biological process.
the first and fore most is to stop cutting trees, as when we give out carbon dioxide {CO2} the trees take co2. but when trees will not be there , co2 will be in the air.