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Nato is middle eastern version of mahogany , it sounds very similar to it with my ears but I don't like it. They use it on Gibson Guitars through the signature series baldwin pieces of crap and BC Rich made guitars out of it lately, its cheaper to bring Nato to China, Japan or Europe than the average mahogany which is why its a little more affordable.

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Q: What is NATO neck on guitar?
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Bottle neck, brass neck, guitar neck.

What has a neck and body but no legs?

A guitar.

Where can one purchase a used electric guitar neck?

You can purchase used electric guitar necks from ebay. You would have to search 'used electric guitar neck' and most likely the make of the guitar neck you are looking for.

Is the Mitchell MD 100 guitar neck glued or bolted to the body of the guitar?

The Mitchell MD100 guitar neck is glued to the body.

Can a neck of a neck through guitar be replaced?


Can you get serious injuries from playing a guitar with a neck strap the thing that keeps the guitar around your neck?

Not really. I have a guitar and I don't get hurt from playing it. So no.

What is the neck of the guitar called?

The neck of a guitar as no other name than that -- the neck. This is the part of the guitar that connects the body to the head of the instrument. Located on the neck are the frets and the fretboard. In addition, all of the guitar strings rest slightly above the fretboard. In short, "the neck" is already a technical term. It doesn't have a special name to make it sound fancier.

What is the difference in set neck and neck though body guitars?

A set neck guitar is one where the neck is glued in very carefully instead of screwed on as in bolt on necks. A neck through is one where the neck is actually part of the guitar body.

What is the neck of the guitar made from?

Obviously a guitar neck is made out of wood,sometimes even many different wood types.

Is the truss rod loose in your guitar and causing issues with the neck's stability?

Is the truss rod loose in your guitar and making the neck unstable?

What is the neck slider for on the origanal guitar you get on Guitar Hero World Tour?


What does the bolt inside the neck of your guitar do?

it tunes the guitar to make a specific sound