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Adolph Hitler made a nonaggression act with Stalin. So Stalin and Hitler became partners in crime, taking over more and more territory. Hitler felt threatened by the rate at which Stalin was attaining land, so he tries to invade the u.s.s.r. He doesn't succeed. What an epic FAILURE! So Stalin then joins the Allied Forces at the begginning of WWII.

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There are several possible reasons. Russian economy and political structure had settled after the years following the revolution and Russia was a relatively stable society. It hadn't had a war in several years, following the policy of Socialism In One Country. The Council of the League of Nations was also suffering from a power void with the loss of Japan (a traditional rival of Russia in the East) and Germany (followed by Italy in 1935) from the Council. Russia's first ideas within the League was total disarmament for all countries, a suggestion discounted by the remaining council members.

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Q: Why did Stalin join the allies?
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