Lanyard - The Royal Engineers lanyard is navy blue and worn on the right shoulder. Since 19th century plain lanyards were used for securing the jackknife which was issued to all mounted troops. It was intended to be worn around the waist but soldiers soon found it to be more convenient to wear it on the shoulder with the knife in the breast pocket. The Royal Engineers, as did other corps and regiments of the British Army, introduced the lanyard to brighten up their battledress uniform in 1951.
No. The Royal Engineers adopted their lanyard in the 1950's to "brighten up their battledress". The tall tales about them being awarded an Artillery lanyard are just that, tall tales and leg pulling.
If my memory serves me correctly, the Artillery were the first regular Army Unit raised towards the end of the 100 years war as the most Honourable Companie of Artillerie and it still exists as a Territorial Army Unit - The HAC. I believe the (Royal) Engineers were the second regular Army Unit raised, Royal in brackets because they were not given a Royal charter for a few hundred years. There is also the rumour that the Royal Artillery lost its blue lanyard to the Royal Engineers as a result of an Artillery unit running from it's guns in the face of the enemy, apparently a Royal Engineer unit rescued the guns, thus resulting in the Artillery being told to wear a yellow lanyard to signify cowardice. The rumour appears to be unfounded, but it is always a good reason for the 2 Corps to have a punch up.
Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers was created in 1539.
Royal Australian Engineers was created in 1902.
The motto of Royal Australian Engineers is 'Ubique'.
Royal Engineers A.F.C. was created in 1863.
The motto of Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers is 'Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt'.
Air Battalion Royal Engineers was created in 1911.
Kent Fortress Royal Engineers was created in 1932.
The Royal Engineers motto is 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' which is french for 'Shamed be who thinks evil of it'
I suspect the same reason the Artillery do, the lanyard moved to the right shoulder when bandoliers were in use and worn over the left shoulder, of course at that time the RE would be wearing a plain"working" lanyard to secure a clasp knife or similar, they didn't have a "dress* lanyard at that point afaik. As to the old RE story (fantasy?) of being "awarded" the blue lanyard after taking over guns, that has long been disproven, not least as the RE blue lanyard was adopted in 1951 "to brighten up the battledress", and of course the RA didn't wear a blue lanyard in the first place... :-D
Trojan Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers was created in 2007.